Diversity and equity within the school

Dear Colleagues,

In order to complete an assignment for my internship course I must learn more about our school’s culture, specifically related to diversity and equity.  Think of school culture as the way things are done at a school, so it is the actions of the school that measure what a school values, not the words included in a school’s vision, but rather the unwritten expectations and norms that build up over time.  A survey has been developed by Capella University for this purpose.

Will you please complete this survey?  It will take about 15-20 minutes to answer the questions, and I would greatly appreciate your assistance!

Please respond by Oct. 30.

Thank you all for taking the time to participate in this survey.


LaChanda Hawkins


Let's Begin:

When diverse populations are mentioned in this survey, please think of diversity in terms of language, race, ethnicity, disability, gender, socioeconomic status, and learning differences.  The results of this survey will be shared with our principal, and the information will be used for educational purposes to help understand current practice at our school (as part of my internship activities).  Please answer openly and honestly as responses will be confidential.


A. What is your role at our school?

1. This school is a supportive and inviting place for students to learn

2. This school sets high standards for academic performance for all students.

3. This school considers closing the racial/ethnic achievement gap a high priority.

4. This school fosters an appreciation and respect for student diversity.

5. This school emphasizes respect for all students’ cultural beliefs and practices.

6. This school gives all students equal opportunity to participate in classroom discussions and activities.

7. This school gives all students equal opportunities to participate in extracurricular and enrichment activities.

8. This school encourages students to enroll in rigorous courses (such as honors and AP), regardless of their races, ethnicity or nationality.

9. This school provides opportunities for students to engage in decision-making, such as class activities or rules.

10. This school obtains diverse student perspectives through regular leadership opportunities.

11. This school reviews achievement and assessment data regularly to monitor student progress.

12. This school looks at each students’ social, emotional and behavioral needs at least once yearly.

13. This school develops school programs and policies based on results from a variety of data.

14. This school provides staff with materials, resources and training needed to effectively work with diverse students.

15. This school has staff members examine their own cultural biases through professional development or other processes.

16. This school provides learning opportunities for family members, such as ESL, computer access, home literacy classes, parenting classes, etc.

17. This school communicates with family and community members in their home language.

18. This school has parent groups that attempt to include and involve all parents.

19. This school has high expectations for all students.

20. This school uses instructional materials that reflect the culture or ethnicity of all students.

21. This school engages in practices that address diverse learning styles.

22. This school invites students’ culture and experiences into the classroom.

23. This school emphasizes teaching lessons in ways relevant to students.

24. This school employs teaching strategies to differentiate and accommodate for the needs of special populations, such as English Language Learners and Special Education students.

25. This school uses textbooks that contain multiple or diverse perspectives.

26. This school employs interventions that are individualized and planned with sensitivity to linguistic and cultural issues.

27. This school is a supportive and inviting place for staff to work.

28. This school is welcoming to me and people like me.

29. This school includes a variety of staff perspectives.

30. This school supports my administrator in making changes regarding diversity and equity issues.

31. What practices are in place to ensure the promotion of trust between and among school administration, staff, students, and parents?


    32. What practices are in place to ensure the promotion of fairness between and among school administration, staff, students, and parents?


      33. What practices are in place to ensure that the school principal ensures the promotion of respect between and among staff, students, and parents?


        34. What can our school do differently to better support student needs?


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