Hosting Mega-Events Leading to Increasing Tourists In Taiwan - copy


You are invited to participate in my survey which is essential to complete my research project

The overall goal is to raise Civic image and National image of Taiwan

Any thoughts or comment please feel free to contact me: [email protected]


Here are some of the Video that introduce Taiwan:

*The 5 Reasons Why You Should Visit TAIWAN:

*10 Taiwan Festivals You Can't Miss:

The poll results are private

1.What is your gender? ✪

2.What is your age group? ✪

3.Where are you come from?  ✪

4.How did you know Taiwan? ✪

5.Can you recognize the outline of Taiwan?  ✪

6.Which event do you interested the most? (If Taiwan is hosting) ✪

7.What would influence your decision the most on traveling to other country? ✪