Die impak van die luister na musiek onder studente terwyl hulle studeer

(Engels hieronder)


Ek is Gabrielė, 'n tweedejaar student aan die Kaunas Tegnologie Universiteit. Ek doen 'n studie oor die impak van die luister na musiek onder studente terwyl hulle studeer. Ek wil graag weet wat julle voorkeure in hierdie verband is: of julle musiek luister terwyl julle studeer en of dit julle help of aflei. Voltooi asseblief hierdie 2-minuut opname. Julle antwoorde is anoniem en sal slegs vir hierdie navorsing gebruik word. Deelname is vrywillig, so julle het die reg om die vraelys op enige tydstip te beëindig.

As julle enige vrae het: [email protected]

Dankie vir julle deelname!




I am Gabrielė, a second-year student at the Kaunas University of Technology. I am conducting a study about the impact of listening to music while studying among the students. I would like to know what are you preferences regarding this matter: whether you listen to music while studying and whether it helps you or distracts you. Please complete this 2-minute survey. Your responses are anonymous and will be used for this research only. The participation is voluntary; therefore, you have the right to end the questionnaire at any point.

Should you have any questions: [email protected]

Thank you for your participation!

Opname resultate is slegs beskikbaar vir die opname se outeur

Watter graad studeer jy?/ What degree student are you? ✪

Wat is jou nasionaliteit?/ Your nationality? ✪

Hoe gereeld luister jy na musiek?/ How often do you listen to music? ✪

Luister jy na musiek terwyl jy studeer?/ Do you listen to music while studying? ✪

Waarom luister jy nie na musiek terwyl jy studeer?/ Why do you listen/not listen to music while studying? ✪

Watter toepassings gebruik jy om na musiek te luister?/ What applications do you use to listen to music? ✪

Betaal jy om 'n lid van die musiektoepassing te wees?/ Do you pay for a membership on the music application? ✪

Stem jy saam dat:/ Would you agree that: ✪

Stem saam/ Agree
Deeltjies saamstem/ Partially agree
Neutraal/ Neutral
Deeltjies nie saamstem/ Partially disagree
Nie saamstem nie/ Disagree
Geen mening nie/ No opinion
Luister na musiek terwyl ek studeer help my om te konsentreer/ Listening to music while studying helps me concentrate
Luister na musiek terwyl ek studeer lei my af/ Listening to music while studying distracts me
Luister na musiek terwyl ek lees help my om te konsentreer/ Listening to music while reading helps me concentrate
Luister na musiek terwyl ek lees lei my af/ Listening to music while reading distracts me
Luister na musiek terwyl ek skryf help my om te konsentreer/ Listening to music while writing helps me concentrate
Luister na musiek terwyl ek skryf lei my af/ Listening to music while writing distracts me

Watter musiekgenre sou jy sê is jou gunsteling?/ What type of music genre you would say is your favorite? ✪

Luister jy na kalm musiek terwyl jy studeer?/ Do you listen to calm music while studying? ✪

Addisionele kommentaar/ Additional comments