የማህበረሰብ አካሄድ

School Level STEM
This survey is to determine the best date to have the School Level STEM
ሃይብሪድ ስልጠና - መምህራን
ሰላም!እባክህ ጥያቄዎችን መልስ ስጠኝ። አመሰግናለሁ!
ሃይብሪድ ስልጠና - ተማሪዎች
Entertainment in your City
🎉 Explore Entertainment in your city! 🌍 Share your insights in our survey covering a variety of aspects, including demographics, engagement patterns, memorable experiences, event discovery, cultural representation, suggestions for...
Healthcare Cost and Patient Satisfaction at OPD in context of tertiary level hospital: A comparative study between public and Private hospital in Dhaka
Dear respondents, You are invited to participate in our study entitled which is conducting by Tamanna Islam as part of a Research Methodology course in Masters of Social Science in...
Food menu - Markets Gala Dinner
Dear Markets employees,As preparations for the Markets BALTIC event in Sigulda are under way - we would like to get your choice of meal for the dinner event planned for...
Reasons for choosing sustainable travel
We wanted to understand what factors influence your choice of travel method and what factors may affect your travel decisions in the first place, understanding the motives and preferences of...
Puzzle statistics
This poll is about puzzles, and people's attitude towards puzzles.This survey is about puzzles and people's opinions on puzzles.
ተማሪዎች - ቡድን 80
አዝራር: ከዚህ በታች የተጻፉት መግለጫዎች በክፍልዎ የሚኖርዎትን ስራ ለማወቅ ይደረጋሉ። እባኮትን ሁሉንም መግለጫዎች ይመልሱየደረጃ መስመር ከ1-5 1= በጭምር አልተስማማም3= አልተስማማም እና አልተስማማም5 = በሙሉ እንደሚስማማማስታወሻ እባኮትን ይዘው ይወዳድሩ ይህን ቅጽ...
መምህራን ኤሚል
መመሪያዎች: በታች የተጻፉት መግለጫዎች በክፍልዎ ውስጥ ስራዎትን ለማወቅ የተዘጋጀ ነው። እባኮትን ሁሉንም መግለጫዎች ይመልሱ።የደረጃ መስመር ከ1-5 1= በጭምር አልተስማማም3= አልተስማማም እና አልተስማማም5 = በጭምር እንደሚስማማማስታወሻ እባኮትን ይዘው ይወዳድሩ ይህን ቅጽ...