From Hobby to Profession: Understanding Social Media Influencers' Career Perceptions and Success Factors

what is your age

what is your gender?

what is your occupation?

What motivated you to become a social media influencer?

How do you define your career as a social media influencer?

What factors do you believe contribute to your success as a social media influencer?

How do you maintain authenticity while promoting products and services to your audience?

In your opinion, what do you think qualifies social media influencing as a legitimate profession?

How do you balance your personal life with your career as a social media influencer?

Have you faced any challenges in legitimizing your profession to others? If so, can you elaborate on these experiences?

Do you believe that social media influencing is a sustainable long-term career choice?

What role do you believe social media platforms play in shaping the public perception of social media influencing as a profession?

In your opinion, what are some of the most significant challenges facing social media influencers today?

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