ፈርስት ኖይዝ 180208

ከባቡር የጠፉ ብዙ ሎኮዎች አሉ

ጌታ, ንብረት, አርክ ዱክ, ግራንድ ዱክ, ንጉስ:

ፈርስት ኖይዝ


  1. raccoon, eagle, paddy, fly, domma
  2. come on fly, keep it interesting until the last noize!!!!!
  3. 1 coonie 2 eagle 3 paddy 4 fly 5 doma


  1. whistles
  2. never going to give you up, never going to let you down, never going to turn around and desert you...

የኪት ቅጣት?

  1. whistler!
  2. whistler: in the kit for the first time and receives a kit penalty.

ወይዘር ወይዘር ወይዘር!!

  1. the headwind definitely helped a lot of people hold on today!! gunner - pota before it even started. time to upgrade the bike. the current one has lost the ability to hold onto noise.
  2. magnificent morning out
የእርስዎን ጥያቄ ይፍጠሩይህን አካሄድ መልስ ይስጡ