Incredible India 2.0

This questionnaire is designed for academic research that seeks to understand the potential outcome of the Incredible India marketing campaign and its contribution to the overall new National Tourism Strategy to attract more foreign tourists to India from the UK and around the globe. India still has a vast untapped opportunity to develop its tourism destinations and add more to its tourism revenue to support its GDP. Despite being an employment-generating tool and earning foreign exchange revenue, the tourism sector in India is still facing challenges from security, infrastructure, and a better marketing campaign to promote the country globally and increase the number of tourists.

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Country of origin

4. How often do you travel to India in a year?

Purpose of Visit

Name your favourite destination(s) in India

How did you book your accommodation and flight tickets to India?

8. How do you search for destination information in India?

Are you aware that almost all the states in India have their tourism website? ✪

Are you aware of the "Incredible India" campaign? If yes, where did you hear about it?

If you are aware of the Incredible India marketing campaign, do you really think the ads from the campaign attract you to travel destinations in India?

Are you aware of any other marketing campaigns for destinations? e.g., Visit Britain or Malaysia Truly Asia, etc.

Do you think the government is doing enough to promote India abroad?

According to you, which is the best practice for advertising tourist destinations?

Below are listed some elements that you might consider when you chose a tourist destination. We ask you to evaluate them twice. First, please indicate HOW IMPORTANT each of these elements is to you when you chose any tourist destination (in general) (rate them on a scale from "1" - completely unimportant to "5" - very important).

Friendliness with Local people
Hygiene and Cleanliness
Airport Services
Visa and Immigration
Tourist guide services
Hotel and accommodation
ATM/ Bank/ Cash Machines Facilities
Government tourist websites

What are your opinions and suggestions to improve the campaign to promote and attract more tourists from the UK and other parts of the world?