New and innovative tourism products in Lithuania


We are two students currently writing our master's thesis. We would love to ask you some questions related to travel tendencies and new tourism products and services creation in Lithuania during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Thank you very much for your help.


Agne and Ruta



Before Covid19 I would spend my holidays:

How much do you agree with the following statements:

When planning holidays in Lithuania during pandemic I would mostly choose:

How much do you agree with the following statements:

Did you feel safe to travel in Lithuania during pandemic?

During the lockdown, have you noticed any new tourism offers/products/experiences in the country?

Have you heard about these tourism initiatives in Lithuania in the past year?

Which ones of the tourism initiatives from above sounds most interesting (Would like to visit?)

After global pandemic is over, I will most likely

When booking holidays in the future, I will focus more on:

Do you think covid-19 pandemic has changed you as a traveler?

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