Are Lithuanian citizens interested in contemporary art in 2021?


I am working on a survey regarding the level of interest of Lithuanian citizens in contemporary art in 2021. My research aims to evaluate Lithuanian citizens’ interest and engagement in contemporary art. The survey objectives include identifying citizens’ awareness of contemporary art, their familiarity with its representatives, exploring their overall perception and the level of criticism towards contemporary art and discovering the main criterias of its evaluation.

For better understanding, survey refers to contemporary art as for the term used for art of the present day. Contemporary art is all mainly about ideas and concerns, rather than solely the look of the work (it’s aesthetic). It usually depicts paintings, sculpture, photography, installation, performance, and video art. It is considered that contemporary artists are those who are alive and still making work. They try different ways of experimenting with ideas and materials.  

The survey should take approximately 10 minutes of your time. The confidentiality of your personal information is guaranteed. The collected data will be used only for the purpose of this research. If you have any questions about this survey – please contact me directly at [email protected].

Your contribution to the study is important because contemporary art’s demand in Lithuania in 2021 will be explored as a result of the study. 

Your participation in the survey is very appreciated!

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1. There are a number of statements that have been made about perception of contemporary art. For each statement please indicate how much you agree or disagree that it applies to contemporary art:

Strongly disagree
Neither agree nor disagree
Strongly agree
Don’t know
No answer
It is a source of emotions
It is a distraction method from the daily rhythm of life
It makes people search for deeper meaning of things
It allows individuals to express themselves
It is inspiring
It is relaxing
It makes people to take action
It pushes viewers to become better version of themselves
It broadens people’s horizons
It gives people chance to immerse in the different culture

2. Do you use sources of information to follow the contemporary art scene? (If code 1, go to question 3, if code 2-4 go to question 4)

3. There is a list of common information sources people use to be up-to-date concerning the contemporary art scene. Please indicate how often have you used each of the information sources (1-Never, 5-Many times)

Don’t know
No answer
art magazines
daily newspapers
expert talks
social media
visiting exhibitions
visiting studios

4. Can you name any contemporary artist? (If code 1, go to question 5, if code 2-4 go to question 6)

5. How many of them can you name?

6. Have you ever came across any contemporary art in the city you are living in? (If code 1, go to question 7, if code 2-4 go to question 8)

7. There is a list of possible places to come across with contemporary art. For each statement please indicate how often have you seen contemporary art pieces in the following places (1-Never, 5-Many times)

Don’t know
No answer
Religious places (church, cathedral, temple, chapel, mosque, synagogue etc.)
Educational places (School, university, library etc.)
Places to eat (Restaurant, cafe, bar, pub etc.)
Healthcare places (Hospital, pharmacy etc.)
Leisure places (mall, hotel, salon etc.)
Town halls/Squares
Transportation related places (Bus stations, train stations, airports etc.)

8. Do you have hobby(-ies) related to the one or several following fields of contemporary art: film, video, photography, music, literature, painting, performance?

9. There are statements regarding manifestation of contemporary art in different fields. Please indicate how much you are interested in contemporary art expressions in the following fields (1-Not interested, 5-Very interested)

Don’t know
No answer

10. Engagement in contemporary art: visiting events. Have you ever visited events where contemporary art pieces were represented? (If code 1, go to question 11, if code 2-4 go to question 13)

11. How many times have you visited events related to contemporary art in 2021?

12. Please indicate how often you have visited events connected with the following fields (1-Never, 5-Many times)

Don’t know
No answer
Contemporary painting
Contemporary photography
Contemporary dance performance
Contemporary acting performance
Contemporary music performance
Contemporary literature
Contemporary video
Contemporary sculpture
Contemporary architecture

13. Engagement in contemporary art: visiting places. Have you ever visited places where contemporary art pieces were represented?(If code 1, go to question 14, if code 2-4 go to question 16)

14. How many times have you visited places related to contemporary art in 2021?

15. Which places related to the contemporary art have you visited from the following list?

16. Have you ever bought contemporary art pieces? (If code 1, go to question 17, if code 2-4 go to question 19)

17. From which field(-s) have you purchased the contemporary art piece(-s)?

18. There are a number of statements that have been made about buying pieces of contemporary art. For each statement please evaluate how much you agree or disagree that following factors play role in decision-making process.

Strongly disagree
Neither agree nor disagree
Strongly agree
Don’t know
No answer
Aesthetic quality
Good price
Financial feasibility
Artist’s prominence (fame)
Artist’s status
Artist’s career strength
Quality of the gallery
Involvement of the gallerist

19. Criticism of contemporary art. There are a number of statements related to criticism contemporary art. For each statement please indicate how much you agree or disagree that it applies to the contemporary art.

Strongly disagree
Neither agree nor disagree
Strongly agree
Don’t know
No answer
"It should be shown to the narrow audience"
"It is easy to become professional contemporary artist nowadays"
"It is much more simple than traditional art"
"Anything can be art"
"It is the rich people’s thing"
"It is all about money"
"Anyone can create it"
"Today only sex and scandal sells"
"Art market lacks any concrete measuring tools"
"Art pieces’ prices are for orientation, not appreciation"

20. Evaluation of contemporary art. There are a number of statements that have been made about evaluation of contemporary art. For each statement please indicate how much you agree or disagree that it applies to evaluation of contemporary art.

Strongly disagree
Neither agree nor disagree
Strongly agree
Don’t know
No answer
Quality of the work (Aesthetic value)
Artist ranking
Price (Market value)
Artist’s prominence (fame)
Quality of the gallery
Involvement of the gallerist

21. Choose your sex

22. Choose your age

23. What Lithuanian county do you live in at the moment?

24. What is the highest education qualification that you have achieved?

25. Are you currently studying?

26. Are you currently employed?