European military identity research 2022-11-25

Dear respondent, I am a doctoral student at the Military Academy of Lithuania capt. Aleksandras Melnikovas. I am currently conducting an international comparative study aimed at revealing the expression and level of European military identity among cadets trained in various EU Member States. Your participation in the research is very important, by answering the questions, you will help to assess the levels of European military identity and contribute to the improvement and refinement of the training of officers in the European Union. The questionnaire is anonymous, your personal data will not be published anywhere, and your answers will be analyzed only in an aggregated form. Please answer all the questions by choosing the answer option that best reflects your beliefs and attitudes. The questionnaire asks questions about your study experience, attitudes towards the European Union as a whole and towards the EU's Common Security and Defense Policy (CSDP), which has been aiming to gradually build a common European defense and contribute to strengthening international peace and security.

Thank you very much for your time and answers.


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2. Gender ✪

3. Education ✪

4. Age ✪

6. What type of armed forces are you being prepared for? ✪

7. What is your study program? ✪

11.1. Please answer the following questions about your military education institution: ✪

Did you have subjects related to the European Union at your military education institution?
Did you have subjects related to the EU Common Security and Defense Policy at your military education institution?

11.2. Please answer the questions about your military education institution: ✪

Strongly disagree
Neither agree, nor disagree
Strongly agree
My military education institution promotes the sharing of common European values
My military education institution provides all necessary information about the Erasmus program
My military education institution encourages me to participate in the Erasmus program
For me, my military education institution is the primary source of information about the EU CSDP

12. Have you ever participated in the ERASMUS program? ✪

13. Do you see yourself as ... ? ✪

14. If you would think of the past year, how often do you encounter foreigners? ✪

On average, once a WEEK
On average, once a MONTH
On average, once in a HALF YEAR
On average, once a YEAR
ERASMUS students
Foreign lecturers/professors
Other EU citizens
Other NON-EU citizens

15.1. PLEASE ANSWER THE QUESTIONS ABOUT THE EU COMMON SECURITY AND DEFENSE POLICY (CSDP). The idea of a common defense policy for Europe was first formulated in: ✪

15.2. The main CSDP military tasks were defined in: ✪

15.3. The first European Security Strategy identifying common threats and objectives was adopted in: ✪

15.4. What changes did the Treaty of Lisbon have on the CSDP? ✪

15.5. What impact did the “Global Strategy for the European Union's Foreign and Security Policy” have on CSDP: ✪

16. Some people say that European military integration should be enhanced and developed. Others say it has gone too far. What is your opinion? Use the scale to express your opinion. ✪

Has gone too far
Should be enhanced

17.1. What are your personal attitudes towards the EU, European security, and defense? Please give your opinion on each statement: ✪

Strongly disagree
Neither agree, nor disagree
Strongly agree
1. In general, I consider myself to be European
2. In case of military aggression against my country, the EU should defend my country
3. In case of military aggression against one of the EU countries, my country should contribute to the EU defense
4. I would defend the EU with a weapon if my country was threatened at the same time
5. I would defend the EU with a weapon if one of the EU countries was threatened
6. If I had the opportunity, I would agree to serve in the common EU army, led by the EU government

17.2. What are your personal beliefs regarding European security and defense? Please give your opinion on each statement: ✪

Strongly disagree
Neither agree, nor disagree
Strongly agree
1. A common, centralized EU army, led by the EU government, should be created and strengthened
2. The EU's Common Security and Defense Policy should be strengthened
3. My country should contribute more to the implementation of the EU Common Security and Defense Policy
4. My country should contribute more to the creation of a common EU army
5. Participation in the EU CSDP is beneficial for my country
6. Basically, I trust the EU as an institution
7. Basically, I trust the EU's Common Security and Defense Policy

17.3. What are your personal attitudes towards the future of European security and defense? Please give your opinion on each statement: ✪

Strongly disagree
Neither agree, nor disagree
Strongly agree
1. In 10 years' time, the support for the EU Common Security and Defense Policy will increase
2. In 10 years, EU's military integration will increase
3. After 10 years, the participation of EU countries in the EU Common Security and Defense Policy will increase
4. In 10 years, the EU's importance as a geopolitical power in the world will grow
5. In 10 years' time, the support for a common, centralized EU army, led by the EU government, will increase

18. Please tell me whether you are for or against a common defense and security policy among EU Member States? ✪

19. In your opinion, what type of European army would be desirable to have? ✪

20. In your opinion, what should be the future European army's roles? (Mark all relevant answers) ✪

21. In case of military intervention, who should make the decision to send troops within the framework of a crisis outside the EU? ✪

22. In your opinion, decisions concerning European defense policy should be made by: ✪