Drinking from your own tap!

A general questionnaire for gathering metrics on personal water consumption knowledge.

Drinking from your own tap!

Your Age?

Your Occupation?

Your San Diego Region?

Daily water intake?

Do you prefer Tap or Bottled water?

Rate the quality of your Tap water.

How many water bottles used daily?

Do you use water filters?

Estimated monthly water bill? (ballpark guess)

Do you feel your water bill is excessive?

Do you know how water is accessed by your provider?

Do you know who from your provider purchases the water sold to you?

Do you know who regulates the water delivery in your area?

Do you participate in water conservation?

Do you know where water reserves are stored in San Diego?

Are you aware of any alternate sources of water in San Diego, or in California?

Do you think San Diego has any reason to be concerned with the future of freshwater supply to the area?

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