Survey Questionnaire (This is a minor questionnaire of a study, part of our regular MBA program). You are cordially requested to fill up these questionnaire to make my work more fruitful.

An investigation into the effect of deceptive advertising on customer loyalty in telecom sector: A case study on Banglalink.

Part: A (Questions related with effects of different advertisements on people) (Please click on the circle you prefer most) 1. What kind of advertising do you find the most suggestible?

2. When you watch an advertisement, do you think you are influenced?

3. For what type of products does advertising seem more deceptive?

4. According to you, are deceptive advertisements easy to identify?

Part: B (Questions relate with Banglalink’s present advertisements) 5. Do you find Banglalink’s advertising deceptive?

6. If you ever are deceived by Banglalink, what will be your state of mind?

7. If Banglalink is ever caught deceiving people, what you think should be done to the company?

Part: C (Questions related with adverse effect of deceptive advertising) If you ever find Banglalink’s claims in the advertisement to be deceptive, you can do the following. 8. Deceptive ads should be complained to the concerned authority

9. The company should apologize to the public

10. The message of deception should be spread

11. The message should be spread in the social media

12. The company should be punished

Part: D (Questions related to the negative effect of the advertisement on customer loyalty of the company). 13. That product should not be bought anymore

14. That product should not be recommended to others

15. If that company ever brings other products to the market, one should not buy.

16. One should switch to the competitors

Part: E Demographic Information. 17. Sex

18. Age

19. Educational Status

20. Professional service

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