Comparison of job satisfaction of UAB X employees living in Lithuania and Greece

While preparing the course work, I am conducting a study, the purpose of which is to comparison of job satisfaction of UAB X employees living in Lithuania and Greece.

Read each question carefully and mark the answers that best suits for you. Please pay close attention to the additional instructions and complete the tasks as requested.

Please do not leave any questions unanswered. Your independence and sincerity are important for the reliability of the research answers.

The anonymity and confidentiality of your answers is guaranteed. I assure you that how

you will answer the questions, there will be no impact on your personal dignity or your relationship with family or co-workers.

If you have any questions, please call +306983381903

or apply by e-mail [email protected]

Thank you in advance for participating in the study.

1. Please circle the one number for each question that comes closest to reflecting your opinion about it.

2. Your gender:

3. Your age:


    4. Your current marital status (check the appropriate option for you):

    5. Your education (check the appropriate option for you):

    6. Do you have children?

    7. Do you live permanently in Greece?

    8. Your job responsibilities?


      9. How long you have been working in the current job?

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