Escape rooms survey in Lithuania


Please answer the following questions with respect to popularity of quest rooms in Vilnius.

Thanx a lot for your answers and have a great time!

What is your age?

In which city do you live?


    Do you know what escape room is?

    How did you know about escape room?

    your option

      Have you ever visited escape room?

      How many times have you visited escape room?

      Did you like your visit to escape room?

      Do you want to visit escape room again?

      How do you prefer spending your leisure time?

      Would you like to participate in free testing of new escape room? If yes, please leave your contact information

      What is your name and how can we contact you?

        የእርስዎን አንቀት ይፍጠሩይህን አካሄድ መልስ ይስጡ