A Comparative Study of People Perception of Home


I am Adrija Liaugminaitė, a second-year student of New Media Language in Kaunas University of Technology.

I am conducting a questionnaire to analyse how people perceive home styles, what are their interior and exterior preferences, and what they value in one's living place.

The answers of the questionnaire will be used as additional research data contributing to the main research done on two YouTube videos of home tours by sentimentally analysing the comments under the videos.

I kindly invite you to take part in this questionnaire. The answers are anonymous and will be used for research purposes only. You can withdraw your answers from the research at any time by contacting me here:

[email protected]

Should you have any other questions, do not hesitate to contact me.

Thank you for your time and contribution to the research.

A Comparative Study of People Perception of Home

Your age:

Your gender:

Do you currently own or rent your home?

Do you consider yourself to be interested in home design?

On which social media platforms do you find/seek inspiration for home decor?

Other (please specify the names of platforms)

    What are the main elements of home design you (would) consider when shopping for your home?

    How much do you consider yourself to be influenced by the home design trends (2024) on social media on a scale from 1 to 5? (1 being not influenced at all, 5 being very influenced)

    How important are the things mentioned below to you in home design?

    Have you ever watched celebrities' home tours on YouTube?

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