Knowledge, attitude and practice infection control among Nursing students.

Hello, my name is Yinka Akinbote, I am a student of Klaipeda State University studying Nursing. I would like you to participate in my survey. The survey aims to determine the knowledge and attitude of infection control among nurses and nursing students. Your answers and data will be kept private.

Thank you.

1. What is your gender

2. Your age

3. Your profession?

4. Department (please choose the department that best represents yours or where you have worked)

5. I am willing to take part in the study and I understand that my participation is voluntary.

6. Do you know about infection control?

7. Mention the source of information about infection control

8. What are the standard precautions of infection in protecting health workers and visitors? (You may tick more than 1)

9. Appropriate hand washing can minimize cross infection with micro-organisms?

10. Using tap water only is enough for hand washing?

11. Personal protective equipment reduces but does not completely eliminate the risk of acquiring infection.

12. Do you routinely use an alcohol-based hand rub for hand hygiene?

13. Which of the following is the main route of cross transmission of potentially harmful germs between patients in a health care facility? (Tick one answer only)

14. What is the most frequent source of germs responsible for health care-associated infections? (Only one answer)

15. Which of the following hand hygiene actions prevents transmission of germs to the patient?

16. What is the minimal time needed for alcohol-based hand rub to kill most germs on your hands? (Tick one answer only).

17. Which type of hand hygiene method is required in the following situations?

18. Personal protective equipment reduces but does not completely eliminate the risk of acquiring infection.

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