Virtual fitting rooms

Dear Respondent, I am Liveta Voverytė. I am a third-year student of fashion and style management at a college of social sciences. I am currently preparing my final thesis, which aims to evaluate the benefits and value created for the user by virtual fitting rooms. The questions in this survey will be completely anonymous and only intended for this work. Your answers to the questions are very important. Completing the survey will take you about 5 minutes.

1. Is fast shopping important to you when choosing fashion items?

2. Have you heard of what a virtual fitting room is?

Other (please specify)

    3. Have you ever tried a virtual fitting room? If you answered yes, go to question 4; if you answered no, go to question 5.

    4. If you have tried a virtual fitting room, did you purchase items using the virtual fitting room? Would you use this program again for shopping? Open-ended question

      6. In your opinion, would it be relevant for the "deichmann" store to have a virtual fitting room program?

      Other (please specify)

        7. Where do you usually buy "Deichmann" shoes and accessories? (you may select multiple answers)

        8. If you purchase "Deichmann" products on websites, what inconveniences do you encounter when selecting products online? Open-ended question


          9. What products do you buy from "Deichmann"? (you may select multiple answers).

          10. How often do you return products from "Deichmann" in these categories?

          11. Would you choose to shop at a specific online or physical store if you knew it had a virtual fitting room program?

          12. Your gender

          13. Your age?

          የእርስዎን አንቀት ይፍጠሩይህን አካሄድ መልስ ይስጡ