ሕዝቡ ወደ ፕሬዚዳንት ዶናልድ ትራምፕ የተከሰተ እንደሆነ እንዴት ይመለከታል?

እንደ እንቅስቃሴ የተነሳ እንዴት ነው የእርስዎ አስተያየት በዶናልድ ትራምፕ? እንደ አዎን ከሆነ እንዴት? እንደ አይደለም ከሆነ ምን ነው?

  1. not sure
  2. no, i already had a bad opinion of him.
  3. i'm scared to jinx it, but i don't think that anything else that comes to light about him would surprise me.
  4. i don't think i know enough to have a firm opinion on trump; however, my view of him has always been negative, and his indictment just further supports that view.
  5. no, i never liked him.
  6. i don't know about it.
  7. no, it's not surprising to me, to be honest.
  8. not sure that's in donald trump's indictment, so no influence.
  9. i don't know.
  10. yes, my opinion of him is worse.
  11. yes, a little bit negatively.
  12. yes, it just confirmed that he is a horrible human being.
  13. .
  14. he is just a stupid man.
  15. i don't know what happened.
  16. no, because i always thought he was an idiot. that is only enhanced now.
  17. he's just a walking parody of a president.
  18. it made my opinion of him more negative.
  19. yes, after all he's done, he should be dealt with.
  20. it did not change anything; i think of him the same way as before.
  21. i haven't heard and don't know what happened.
  22. he was always a bad person.
  23. he bent down even lower.
  24. no, because he's always doing something stupid.
  25. i never liked him; this indictment just confirms it.
  26. no, he was always terrible.
  27. i'm not surprised something like this happened, and it doesn't change my previous opinion.
  28. it is not a surprise.
  29. .
  30. no
  31. my opinion remains the same.
  32. it didn't change it because i didn't know about it.
  33. it didn't influence my opinion because i don't think it's relevant to his work.
  34. it has not influenced my opinion.
  35. -
  36. .
  37. .
  38. -
  39. A
  40. respectfully no, i disliked him and his policies before his indictment.
  41. it is bad for his public image, which wasn't great before either :/
  42. i have seen that no matter what, he will always consider himself innocent.
  43. i don't have any opinion about this. i am not into politics.
  44. no. i never liked him anyway.
  45. yes, he should be in jail.
  46. no, he always did stupid things.
  47. no, because my knowledge about his activities is limited.
  48. yes, i didn't know that he could stoop any lower.
  49. i already had a bad opinion of him. i knew about his scandals with playboy, and i never supported him or his decisions.
  50. no, because i am not interested in politics.
  51. no
  52. no, because he was always a bad person and he got what he deserved.
  53. no, as i found him to be a misplaced figure in a democratic society.
  54. i had a bad opinion of him, so it doesn't change.
  55. no. i don't like him, that's all.
  56. kind of yes, kind of no, i’ve always had a negative opinion about donald trump, so it hasn’t changed much after his indictment.
  57. i always thought that he was terrible and still think the same.
  58. no, because i haven't heard about this.
  59. yes, because he is stupid and i can't believe that after this he's running for election.
  60. it didn't change my opinion about donald trump because it wasn't really shocking considering his background.
  61. yes. i have less respect for him.