መረጃ ማህበረሰብ

የእርስዎ ጾታ ምንድነው?

ዕድሜዎ ምንድነው?

የምን ከተማ ውስጥ እኖራለሁ?

  1. india
  2. bangalore
  3. faridabad, india
  4. new delhi
  5. india
  6. delhi
  7. mumbai
  8. mangalore, karnataka, india
  9. chennai
  10. kottayam

"መረጃ ማህበረሰብ" የሚለው ቃል ከዚህ በፊት ስለተሰማህ?

በእርግጥ ይህ ምን ይሆን?

  1. no idea
  2. where the creation and distribution of information is an important activity.
  3. it is a society with the creation and distribution of information.
  4. maybe they provide some sort of information.
  5. i don't know much.
  6. the term does not make any sense.
  7. where the information is processed that is used or analyzed or manipulated
  8. i don't.
  9. good
  10. to give information

ወቅታዊ መረጃ ወይም ኢንተርኔት ወይም የአይነት መረጃ ይኖርዎታል?

በእርግጥ የመረጃ ትርጉሞች ምንድነው?

የእርስዎን አንቀት ይፍጠሩይህን አካሄድ መልስ ይስጡ