ምን እንደ ምግብ ይወዳሉ?

ይህ ምን ያህል ምግቦች ይወዳሉ፣ የተለያዩ የምግብ ቅርጸ ተንቀሳቃሽ እና ምግብ እንዴት ይሆን ይወዳሉ ላይ የተደረገ ጥናት ነው። የባለሙያ አስተያየቶች አለባቸው፣ በቀን ሰዎች እንጂ።

ዕድሜዎት ምንድን ነው?

የጾታዎት ምንድን ነው?

የባህላዊ ዕድልዎት ምንድን ነው?

  1. french.
  2. hindu, indian
  3. indian
  4. indian
  5. indian
  6. indian
  7. indian
  8. indian
  9. indian; bengali.
  10. hindu

እባኮትን በግምት የምግብ ቅርጸ ተንቀሳቃሽ የምን ይጠቀሙ ወይም ወደ እነዚህ የምግብ ቅርጸ ተንቀሳቃሽ የምን ይወዳሉ ይምረጡ፡፡

Why do you use or like these particular food products? is it due to:

Is there any food trends from above that you would definitely avoid? If so, is it due to:

Reality TV shows about cooking have highlighted the importance on plating food so that it looks attractive. What is your preference in food plating styles?

Does your attitude towards food styling stem from your love of new and innovative practices or are you not too concerned about presentation at all?

Why do you think you feel this way?

  1. watch cooking channel
  2. in this busy life, it is difficult to give importance to this on a daily basis. during the occasion of course presentation, it matters.
  3. no
  4. the first thing we notice is the presentation of foods, which shapes our perception.
  5. the main thing that matters is the taste of the food.
  6. the main thing that matters is the taste of the food.
  7. presentation matters a lot, because one should be attracted to the ordered food before actually eating it. definitely, the effort to make it look too attractive may spoil the dish's originality. so it should be simple yet attractive.
  8. the taste of food is more important compared to its presentation.
  9. because, first of all, food is prepared and decorated by the chef. if he always focuses on presentation, he demands extra salary. at the end of the day, the consumer's pocket gets a hole.
  10. good presentation increases the taste of food.

Do you eat out often

የእርስዎን ጥያቄ ይፍጠሩይህን አካሄድ መልስ ይስጡ