አርኪቴክተር ታላቅ ተወዳዳሪ የወቅት 5 - 2014/2015 የተመረጡ ፕሮጀክቶች ምርጫ

እባኮትን ከታች ያለውን ዝርዝር ውስጥ የተወዳጅ ፕሮጀክትዎን ይምረጡ፡፡ 

እባኮትን ከአንዱ በላይ ምርጫ ይምረጡ።

የእርስዎ መልስ የግል ነው (ማንም እንደኔ ይታይበታል)


*** አዳዲስ ግንባር ጃንዩወሪ 26- ቪዲዮዎች ቁጥር 9 (ወደ መነሻ መልስ) እና 15 (አርኪቴክት አይዶል) በምርጫ ላይ ማስተካከል ተወው ተቀባይነት ተገኝቷል

ፕሮፌሰር አይማን እስማኤል

አርኪቴክተር ታላቅ ተወዳዳሪ የወቅት 5 - 2014/2015 የተመረጡ ፕሮጀክቶች ምርጫ

እባኮትን በዚህ ስምምነት የታመኑ ተማሪ ነዎት?

የምርጫ የምርጫ ቪዲዮዎችን በሙሉ የተመለከቱ? (ከታች የተሰጡ አገናኝ ይገኛሉ)

የጾታዎ ምንድነው?

የሥራዎ ውስጥ 16 የመጨረሻ ወንጌሎች አንዱ ነው?

የተመረጡ የተመረጡ ፕሮጀክት ምርጫ እንደሆነ ነው፡፡

Explain the reasons for your choice for EACH selection you make

  1. don't know
  2. ..
  3. 0
  4. it's very funny.
  5. i like comedy projects and they are so funny, and i discuss all information about lecorbise.
  6. frank
  7. good
  8. very good
  9. nice
  10. easy

15 Architect Idol Frank (SPECIAL MENTION)

  1. veety creative
  2. truly number one
  3. very creative, great sound system, great actors
  4. it was pretty good! i only liked the witch part with the cat...
  5. useful
  6. good
  7. liked the idea and acting
  8. i don't like it.
  9. fantastic
  10. nice

Comment about this video 16

  1. the performance of the actors in the most comedic movie was very good.
  2. the best video ever
  3. very creative idea. the most hilarious movie. away from the architect's personification like others. the best comedy movie. the actors' performances were very good. professional movie editing. the best script.
  4. it's so funny, i really like the idea.
  5. very funny
  6. this one made me laugh out loud really! and they also presented the information in a way that makes it impossible for you to forget what the two architects did or what they have gone through in life... and they had more than one scene, so i wasn't bored while watching the video...
  7. wow
  8. nice video
  9. very funny
  10. like it

Comment about this video 31

  1. good job, guys; love it!
  2. boring
  3. this one is really creative, but it was hard to understand, actually! they should have added a narrator or someone to explain the plot... and the music was annoying...
  4. nice idea, but it needs more professional drawings.
  5. not good
  6. okay
  7. it was a new idea, i liked the music. but the drawing and the colors were disturbing to me. if the drawing had been at a higher level than this, it would have been excellent.
  8. good
  9. creative
  10. creative

Comment about this video 8

  1. boring
  2. it was really funny and creative! and the best thing was that the movement of the characters really matched up with the voices and the situation! and the way they presented the information about the two architects was so good that i don't think i will forget what they did!!! and the subtitles were funny too...
  3. very nice idea
  4. good teamwork
  5. it is funny.
  6. 我非常喜欢这个想法。阿拉伯语翻译真的很有趣,并且满足了项目80%的要求。但音乐的音量比说话的人要高一些,翻译的速度也很快。
  7. good
  8. new interesting idea, executed well.
  9. you guys are amazing ^_^ i like it so much :)
  10. spectacular work, guys!

Comment about this video 26

  1. funny
  2. i really liked the last part... but the rest not so much...
  3. i like the idea; it was very funny.
  4. not bad
  5. nice
  6. it was really funny in some parts. i loved it.
  7. good
  8. too long for such ideas, they relied on the comedic aspect rather than presenting a great idea.
  9. so funny
  10. funny

Comment about this video 10

  1. funny but bad quality
  2. i love this one!! the guy really knows how to act like bassem youssef...
  3. nice
  4. hahahahahahahahahahahahaha
  5. good teamwork
  6. funny
  7. .
  8. awesome
  9. awesome
  10. it's very funny.

Comment about this video 14

  1. boring
  2. i couldn't understand what is going on...
  3. wow
  4. new idea
  5. not bad
  6. funny
  7. when i first read the name, i was really excited to see it, but it was a huge disappointment. it was an insult to the original detective conan animation. it didn't have anything that is related to detective conan, no characters, no mystery, no excitement, not even the music. one of my most hated videos.
  8. good
  9. boring. i didn't like it; it's too systematic and has no creativity in it.
  10. nice editing

Comment about this video 7

  1. boring but good quality
  2. too many effects... too little information... it wasn't creative...
  3. very good
  4. good
  5. one of the best videos i have ever seen
  6. well done
  7. okay
  8. it didn't lack information, the graphics were really good, and it was really funny at the end. i didn't really understand the idea of why they were running.
  9. good
  10. nice video

Comment about this video 30

  1. it's so funny.
  2. it has a good way to present the concept.
  3. i like it because i learn from it about all the architects in a funny and simple way, you know what i mean :d
  4. bad
  5. the way they acted like an egyptian family, the guy proposing was really funny! and the way they mixed the information with the video was good...
  6. boring
  7. i can't find it.
  8. good idea
  9. okay
  10. good but too long.

Comment about this video 11

  1. i like it.
  2. creative... good display of the data...
  3. nice
  4. good
  5. okay
  6. it was really good, one of my favorites. covered all the information.
  7. promising youth, their love for the subject matter is very clear.
  8. good
  9. good luck, boys.
  10. best video

Comment about this video 27

  1. amazing
  2. good acting
  3. the whole interview thing is boring!! there is no actual story!!!
  4. good
  5. i don't like it.
  6. okay
  7. it covered all the wanted information, was a good idea, and was funny, but somehow boring.
  8. good
  9. good
  10. nice idea

Comment about this video 1

  1. normal
  2. they had too many gaps! and there was also no story!! just an interview...
  3. like the idea
  4. not bad
  5. okay
  6. it was good.
  7. good
  8. comedy but they didn't cover the criticism in full details
  9. funny
  10. not bad

Comment about this video 4

  1. normal
  2. the idea was good and had positive effects...
  3. good
  4. i don't like it.
  5. okay
  6. very good
  7. great one :d
  8. good
  9. 2 ways of presenting the idea why they should choose only one idea and work on it.
  10. not good acting

Comment about this video 22

  1. amazing
  2. i liked the general idea and the casting.
  3. good
  4. it was funny...
  5. good
  6. good teamwork and fantastic idea.
  7. okay
  8. good and funny.
  9. good
  10. very niceee

Comment about this video 9

  1. .
  2. amazing one
  3. amazing!
  4. the best
  5. normal
  6. good video but not too much information...
  7. hello there
  8. good
  9. i've really enjoyed the video .. very interesting and has many useful ideas about the architect's life .. in addition, it is comedic.
  10. boring

Comment about this video 23

  1. normal
  2. i don't find it.
  3. this film is nice.
  4. okay
  5. it was a really good idea; it was funny as well.
  6. good
  7. nice
  8. didn't see it
  9. good one
  10. noo

(SPECIAL MENTION) Comment on this video 25

  1. normal
  2. i couldn't understand what they were saying... their voices weren't clear! but overall, it's good...
  3. nice
  4. good 1
  5. okay
  6. boring.
  7. good
  8. boring
  9. wasn't that exciting?
  10. good one

(SPECIAL MENTION) Comment on this video 2

  1. funny
  2. i didn't like that one at all! it's like they didn't even have a script! and they kept saying the same thing over and over again!
  3. funny
  4. i don't like it.
  5. okay
  6. when they argued, it was confusing and i couldn't hear what they were saying at all; that really disturbed me.
  7. not good
  8. good
  9. the funniest
  10. the funniest video

(SPECIAL MENTION) Comment on this video 15

  1. funny
  2. funny
  3. amazing
  4. boring
  5. i don't like it.
  6. okay
  7. i love it.
  8. a good idea, but they didn't execute it well; the sound was annoying, and i didn't hear half of what they were saying.
  9. good
  10. this is a trailer, not the video.
የእርስዎን ጥያቄ ይፍጠሩይህን አካሄድ መልስ ይስጡ