እኛ በአንድ ቦታ እንደምንዛሬ መጨረሻ ግምገማ


ይህ በእኔ የተሳተፍኩት የመጀመሪያ ፕሮጀክት ነው፡፡

በፕሮጀክት ውስጥ ያገኘው ልምድ የሚያደርግ ደስታ አለኝ፡፡

በፕሮጀክት ውስጥ ለእርስዎ የሚሰማ የተሻለ ክፍሎች ምንድነው? (ብዙ መልስ ይቻላል)

የፕሮጀክት ሌላ ደስታ ጊዜዎችን ይጻፉ

የፕሮጀክት ሌላ ደስታ ጊዜዎችን ይጻፉ
  1. don't know
  2. na
  3. project presentation
  4. answering
  5. tea break with friends
  6. what do i know?
  7. sdcsaf
  8. not bad
  9. every day was an adventure; i needed to write pages. the most important thing was the everyday planning; that was an experience!
  10. the other happiest moments were - funny activities with the oc team; visiting museums, galleries, and historical places; eating dishes cooked by kotryna and ruta; getting hugs from children; when we didn't have to carry canvases in panevėžys because that lady had a car; my first time on the nude beach in nida))

በእንደምን ይመለከታል፡፡ የፕሮጀክት እንደሚያስቀርበው እንደሚያስቀርበው፡፡

የወይዘር እንደሚያስቀርበው እንደሚያስቀርበው፡፡

  1. when i was doing my postgraduate project, there were so many power cuts in india.
  2. the text "asdfaf" does not have a meaning in english or any other language. it appears to be a random string of characters.
  3. for me, it was perfect. of course, there were some difficult periods, but these were the periods that helped me to gain experience and achieve my goals. the project, as a project, was perfect; we had everything, we stayed in very decent places, and the aiesec people (ruta kotryna) helped us all the time. i am in aiesec too, and i hope we will do half of the things kotryna and ruda did for us for our interns.
  4. nothing really :)
  5. some members didn't think as a team.

እንደዚህ ያለው ልምድ ይመለከታል፡፡

  1. don't know
  2. asdfasdf
  3. i just feel very lucky that i have the opportunity to work with a person like kotryna. she is a fighter, she is always striving for the best, she gave us everything, and the project was amazing. the part i will never forget is that she is a great leader and showed me how i could become a better leader. she taught me that i need to try harder every day and that there are always more things you can do if you want to achieve something. whatever we wanted, she was there to help us; i can't even imagine how someone could be better than her!
  4. i truly believe that kotryna was a real leader. for me, the project was top-notch. it was very organized, and every detail was planned beforehand. when there were several problems in the team, we felt her support; she came up with the right decisions that would fit everyone. and i am very glad that i met her; she taught me to be strong, independent, and proactive.
  5. 非常负责任,组织能力强,我真的非常喜欢这个项目背后的理念 :) 干得好!谢谢你一直在翻译 :)
  6. we talked about the last day. for me, you managed everything perfectly and you tried to give us the best. but sometimes you noticed the bad points more than the good ones, and i felt bad about that at times: the impression of falling short of your expectations. but you remain a person with a big heart and a nice "mama."


  1. don't know
  2. hjnhjghjghj
  3. he did it just because he had to. when we were with him, i felt like a burden; he wasn't interested in being with us at all.
  4. during the project, i found andrius very interesting and funny. he guided us to many cultural and historical places, and every time he told us interesting facts about them. without him, the trips would not have been as interesting.
  5. could be more involved in the project at times, but is generally quite helpful.
  6. we didn't spend a lot of time together, but the moments we shared were fun! for me, it's a big sadness that you didn't come with us to meet the children/teenagers.


  1. don't know
  2. hjghjghbvnbvn
  3. she initially tried to teach us some things about the project, but she didn't succeed very well. i didn't have the opportunity to get to know her as a person. what i will remember is that i felt she was really trying and she smiled all the time.
  4. i really liked the music session with agne, the time we spent in the bar, and overall she is a nice and interesting person to talk to. i found her to be responsible and conscientious. it's a pity that we didn't spend that much time with her.
  5. very friendly, i wish we could spend more time together!
  6. the same as andrew

Feedback that you have for the team member, Rūta :

  1. don't know
  2. vbjffgyjbn
  3. she is amazing. i learned so many things from her that i am using every day in life. she taught me how to be happy every day, not nagging and trying harder. she is a very good person, and many times she was the greatest leader for us. children loved her and everybody in general! we were very lucky to have her as a part of our team!
  4. i think i spent most of my time with ruta. we shared a room and sometimes had breakfast together. she is wonderful. her sessions were very interesting for me, and i learned a lot from her. sometimes i mistakenly used russian words, and only she could understand; that was funny. she is a talented person.
  5. 非常非常有帮助,我感谢她为我们做的所有翻译,并且总是帮助我们改进想法。
  6. thank you for your smile and all the things you shared with us. after kotryna, i think you've been the most involved. open and positive, i learned a lot thanks to you.

How do you evaluate the experience you've got during this project?

Why did you evaluate exactly like that?

  1. i am not part of this project.
  2. 抱歉,我无法翻译该内容。
  3. because the project was a shock for me. after that, i evaluated a lot of things in my life. i decided to change many things about myself and try new things. i applied to become lcvp in aiesec, i became a member of an art organization, and i will help organize the biggest exhibition in greece. i changed my values and started to appreciate myself and my actions more.
  4. during the project, i felt that it is very strong and has an impact on many people, including us. when i arrived in kyrgyzstan, i made a presentation about my project. i heard other guys talking about their projects and realized that my experience was the best. i am very thankful that i had a chance to be part of this project and to meet these people.
  5. it was the most amazing and unique experience of my life.
  6. because i learned a lot, more than expected. even if it was sometimes hard for me, after i came back to france, i understand that i brought with me a lot of new things and i challenged myself. moreover, the travel around the 6 cities was perfectly planned, i always felt safe. finally, we had the opportunity to discover your culture and country.

Would you participate in another project again?

Other things you would like to share:

  1. i am a homemaker, so i am unable to participate.
  2. ,;mk;lmgh
  3. you need to redo that project; it's a life-changing experience.
  4. thank you for giving me the best experience i've had so far in my life! <3
  5. we do it together changes a lot of things in my life because it impacted the way i think and i met a real "family" .. i couldn't thank you enough.
የእርስዎን አንቀት ይፍጠሩይህን አካሄድ መልስ ይስጡ