ኦንላይን ግዢ ካርታ (ባስኬት) የተወው ዝርዝር

እንደ ሶስተኛ ዓመት ተማሪ የእኔ ተግባር የኦንላይን ግዢ የተገኙትን ባስኬቶች ላይ የተገኙትን አንዳንድ ዝርዝር ማቅረብ ነው።

እባኮትን ይህን ማስታወሻ ለመሙላት የምትወዱትን ጊዜ ይወዳድሩ።

የተሰበሰበው ውሂብ በኮርስ ዕቅፍ የሚጠቀም ብቻ ነው እና ከዚያ በቀጥታ ይበቃል።

ውሂብ ለሌላ ምንም አይጠቀምም እና ለሌላ ሰው አይሰጥም።

የአንቀት ውጤቶች የህዝብ ለውጥ ናቸው

ኦንላይን ግዢ ለምን ይጠቀሙ? (ብዙ መልስ ይቻላል)

Do you ever use online shopping as a browsing tool before going to the actual store?

Do you ever leave products in online shopping baskets without checking-out?

Select the reasons behind your abandonment of shopping baskets (multiple answers possible)

Please rate the following

House of Fraser
John Lewis
The best online store design
The best offers and prices
The best delivery options and times
The easiest registration process
The easiest and safest check-out process

Have you ever received an e-mail or other form of a reminder about goods left in the shopping cart?

Would you like an online retailer to remind you about goods left in your basket?

Would you say that online shopping baskets containing products and left behind by customers is an issue? (For both retailers and customers)

Would you prefer online retailers to have separate shopping baskets - one for actual shopping and one for browsing or 'wish list' (like Amazon.co.uk)

Could you please set out any other reasons that you find relevant for online shopping cart abandonment