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2.2. Why did you label these companies as unreputable? What qualities/characteristics do you think a company must have for you to label it as unreputable? Please list at least three.

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  8. my favorite teacher at ridley, i still remember the fantastic year we spent in his ancient civilizations class. the truth will set you free! he was so passionate about learning from the past; his enthusiasm for learning was a wonderful gift. i always considered myself so fortunate to have had him as my advisor. he would listen without passing judgment, he always had a nugget of wisdom to share, and he was more a friend than a teacher. my deepest condolences to the lewis family; he will be greatly missed.
  9. due to politics and the way of doing business. unfair competition, unreliability, corruption, involvement in scandals.
  10. non-profitability, poor relationship with tradition, poor relationship with employees, negative image in the media.
  11. lower quality products, poorer recognition, non-credible name.
  12. irregular payment of wages, non-payment of social contributions, and exploitation of workers (vegrad), inappropriate managers who are incapable of leading large companies (prevent), managerial takeovers of companies (laško)
  13. obsolescence, disrespect towards employees, poor quality offer
  14. -does not pay employees' wages -low-quality products -customer dissatisfaction
  15. the company is state-owned, has poor customer support, and lacks innovative products or services
  16. 1. debts 2. payment discipline 3. poor management 4. corruption
  17. corruption irregular payment of salaries poor communication between management and employees
  18. does not pay workers unfair to everyone incompetent leadership
  19. 1. corruption 2. money laundering 3. disregard for human rights
  20. non-payment of subcontractors and workers' obligations involvement in financial scandals creates loss and is indebted
  21. affairs large debts dissatisfied employees
  22. conflictuality (in terms of scandals), unreliable payers, poor quality (of products).
  23. negative media presence, non-payment, poor treatment of employees, poor company management
  24. large retail chains with extremely low-quality goods that are cheap. a construction company with a well-known scandal. low-quality offer incompetent management corruption
  25. poor leadership excessive government influence on companies poor attitude towards their employees
  26. because all those involved were in scandals or proved to be non-transparent companies concealing data, corruption, willing to do anything just to get money