ኮፊ ኢን ጥናት



እንዴት እንደ ኮፊ ኢን ትጎብኝ? (በወር)

እባክህ በዚያ ብቻ ይሂዱ?

ኮፊ ኢን አገልግሎትን ይወዳሉ?

ኮፊ ኢን አቀራረብ ይወዳሉ?

ኮፊ ኢን ምርቶች ይወዳሉ?

በኮፊ ኢን ወቅት ምን ይሰማሉ?

ሌላ አማራጭ

  1. chill music, slow
  2. different styles
  3. edm
  4. not disturbing & not loud. ~electronic jazz. sometimes - no music.
  5. jazz
  6. no music. people often go there alone to work or to talk with friends.
  7. the chill one, where you could concentrate on the work you're doing. many people come to this cafe to do work or have nice conversations with others, which is why the music should be completely neutral.
  8. jazz
  9. indie

ኮፊ ኢን ድረ-ገጽ ይጎብኙ?

ድረ-ገጹ ጥቅም አለዎት?

በኮፊ ኢን ምን ይወዳሉ?

  1. taste
  2. not visited
  3. nothing
  4. tree house
  5. they have freshly roasted coffee beans.
  6. bru
  7. atmosphere
  8. cold
  9. ambience
  10. coffee

በኮፊ ኢን ምን አይወዳሉ?

  1. don't know
  2. not visited
  3. nothing
  4. i like the place.
  5. na
  6. bru
  7. quality can be improvised
  8. cold
  9. nothing
  10. service
የእርስዎን አካሄድ ይፍጠሩይህን አካሄድ መልስ ይስጡ