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dark green sweater with pattern, navy blue pants

  1. perhaps if the sweater didn't have a pattern on it. the pattern will make the hands difficult to see clearly, thus creating unnecessary eye strain for the consumer.
  2. if the sweater was solid and did not have a pattern, and if the necklace was absent, i would wear this while interpreting.
  3. visually distracting
  4. the pattern is not too overwhelming, but it could be distracting.
  5. drop the circles; the green is cool, but the blue pants hurt the eyes with the green sweater.
  6. i would not wear this to interpret.
  7. patterns are never acceptable for interpreters.
  8. the pattern is distracting.
  9. the pattern on the sweater is too visually distracting.
  10. no patterns on top. if the top was solid... sure appropriate choices as long as it contrasts with the skin tone of the interpreter. no necklace... could distract.
  11. i can see this being worn in k-8th. maybe not the heels. but it doesn't seem to match any other area.
  12. it is the interpreter's job to be unobtrusive in their choice of clothing, and we may not always know if the clients we work with have visual issues with patterns or specific colors. it seems safer to wear contrasting colors that are neutral in design for the benefit of all clients we may work with, regardless of the location.
  13. as a designated interpreter in an office setting
  14. too "busy". should be solid.
  15. d/b with a completely blind person, however many d/b have some sight/shadowing or usher's syndrome and will have residual. it may still be distracting. definitely not the accompanying accessories: necklace/rings - can be scratchy/catch on terp/db hands. it would be most wise to avoid.
  16. remove the pattern and it would work.
  17. without the pattern on the sweater
  18. the pants are fine for k-12, or possibly community, but the sweater is very busy. it could still be professional, though.
  19. too much pattern, in my humble opinion.
  20. if the shirt were solid, it would be fine for post-secondary (college) interpreting.
  21. depends on whether completely blind.
  22. try to have a solid color, no pattern.
  23. pants are fine, but never a sweater!
  24. kindergarten because there are no long periods of signing for the child to watch.
  25. the patterns are too strong and create visual noise. the white necklace draws too much attention (the eye is attracted to the brightest spot in a picture - it stands to reason that this white necklace would also be distracting).
  26. the pants are fine, as is the shade of green, but i would never wear a patterned top to any kind of assignment.
  27. patterned tops should generally be avoided.
  28. print is too bold; shoes may not be appropriate in many settings (comfort).