የምርምር ጥያቄ: የጃፓን አኒሜ/አኒሜ፣ ኮሜክስ፣ አኒሜ፣ ካርቱን፣ የቪዲዮ ጨዋታዎች፣ ማንጋ፣ ፊልም በጄን-ዚ ላይ ያሳድጋል

በፋንዶም ውስጥ ሌላው ምን እንደሚል አስበው ነበር? ይህ ፕሮጀክት በተለያዩ ጉዳዮች ላይ ይህን ጥያቄ ይመልሳል። እኛ ከሳይኮሎጂ፣ ከአንትሮፖሎጂ እና ከሶስዮሎጂ በሚገኙ ብዙ የምርምር ዘዴዎች ይጠቀማል እና የፋንዶም እና የፋንዶም ተወካዮች መካከል የሚኖር ተወዳዳሪ ተጽዕኖ ይመለከታል። የአኒሜ/ማንጋ ፕሮጀክት የአኒሜ ፋንዶም የፋንዶምን እንዴት ይመለከታል፣ ከሌላ ፋንዶም ጋር የሚያገናኝ እንዴት ይመለከታል፣ የፋንዶም የራስ ተጽዕኖ ይኖርበታል፣ እና ወዘተ የሚለው የምርምር ጥያቄዎች ይኖርበታል። በተጨማሪም ፋንዶም ወይም የሚለው የምርምር ጥያቄዎች ይኖርበታል።

እንዴት በኮሜክስ/ካርቱን/ማንጋ/አኒሜ ኢንዱስትሪ ራስዎን ይመለከታሉ? የሚገባውን ሁሉ ይመልከቱ፡፡

እባኮትን ጾታዎን ይግለጹ፡፡

እባኮትን የተወለዱበትን ዓመት ይግለጹ፡፡


    የማህበረሰብ ሁኔታዎ ምንድነው?

      ከጓደኞች፣ ከክርክሮች፣ ከሥራ አባላት እና ከቤተሰብ ጋር የሚኖርዎትን የግል ባህሪ እንዴት ይገልጹ? በታች ያለውን መሠረት ይወስዱ፡፡

        አዲስ ነገር ለማሞከር እወዳለሁ (እንደ አዲስ ምግብ፣ ነጻ ወይም የውጭ ፊልም እና አልተለዋወጥ ሙዚቃ)

        Please check the following that apply to you:

        On average, how many hours in a day are you using your computer for recreational purposes (anything besides school or work purposes)

        On average, how many hours per week do you spend doing the following:

        On average, how many hours per week do you spend reading Comics/Manga/Webtoons:

        Describe your average usage in a month:

        On average, how many people do you talk to about the following categories in a week:

        On average, how much money would you spend in a month on the following items: (if your spending is irregular, try to add up your yearly spending and then divide by 12)

        Please rank your favorite genres from most favorite to least favorite:

        Which platforms do you use to stream or download Comics/Cartoon/Manga/Anime

        If you download or stream files, on average how many files would you stream in a month?

        When a franchise that you like gets adapted into a different format (such as a comic book or video game becoming a movie), which of the following best describes your VERY FIRST reaction:

        How were you first introduced to anime/manga?

          How old were you when you were introduced to anime

            How long have you been fan of anime?

            Web comics and web manga are comics and manga that are made for reading ONLY online. How do you feel about them?

            Where do fans get their Comics/Cartoon/Manga/Anime:

            Do you feel western animation has been influenced by Japanese animation in recent years?

            Is anime a leisure activity?

            What is the most important aspect in anime/manga? Rank the importance of the following with 1 as the lowest and 5 as the highest.

            How frequently do you as a fan participate in different activities?

            Do you feel Comics/Cartoon/Manga/Anime industry influenced your life? if yes, how?

              Ever got influenced by certain character in Comics/Cartoon/Manga/Anime industry, if yes, please share your experience.

                Do you feel anime influenced your life? if yes, how?

                  Which decades do you prefer as an anime/manga fan? Rate yourself on the following scales:

                  Have you felt closer or more acquainted with different cultures while watching Comics/Cartoon/Manga/Anime industry?

                  For which part of well-being do you often watch or read Comics/Cartoon/Manga/Anime?

                  Have you ever been to an anime convention?

                  Have you ever tried cosplay?

                  If you posted pictures of your cosplay experience online, on which websites did you post?

                    Are there generational issues in the fandom?

                    What are fans’ political views?

                    What is your attitude as a fan towards fandom spaces?

                    What is your attitude as a fan towards fandom spaces?

                    Is there drama in the anime fandom?

                    Is there prejudice toward certain groups in the fandom?

                    Do you feel western influence (e.g., Netflix) harms the quality of anime

                    Are certain genres preferred more than others?

                    Do you feel you know a lot about the anime industry…

                    Do you feel you know a lot about how anime is made (e.g., funded, production process)

                    Do you feel you know a lot about Japanese culture?

                    How accepting do you think the fandom is to LGBTQ+ individuals?

                    Do you feel people who identify as gender diverse (e.g., transgender, gender non-conforming) are accepted in the fandom.

                    Do you feel people who identify as straight/heterosexual are accepted in the fandom?

                      Do you feel fans endorse gatekeeping?

                      Do fans help others within the fandom?

                      Are anime fans elitist?

                      Do anime fans endorse prosocial values?

                      What values do anime fans endorse?

                      To what extent do fans engage in positive and negative fantasies?

                      How frequently do fans fantasize about anime?

                      How frequently do you as a fan fantasize about anime?

                      How often are your dreams in an anime world?

                      How often are anime characters in your dreams?

                      Did hentai draw fans into the anime community?

                      Do fans consume more hentai than non-anime related pornographic material?

                      Do anime fans correct others if they mispronounce Japanese words?

                      Do fans believe they have power within the industry?

                      What is your favorite character?

                      What is the sex of the favorite character?

                      What is the role of the favorite character?

                      What are characteristics of favorite characters?

                      What kind of connection do fans have with their favorite character?

                      What other activities and interests do you have?

                      Please enter any additional comments you have about this questionnaire or about comics, manga, anime, cartoons, video games, movies or any of the topics that were covered in the survey

                        የእርስዎን አንቀት ይፍጠሩይህን አካሄድ መልስ ይስጡ