የእርስዎ አቅም ወደ ድንጋይ ፊልሞች

የእርስዎ ጾታ

የእርስዎ ዕድሜ

እንዴት ወይም የድንጋይ ፊልሞችን በተደጋጋሚ ትይዛለህ?

ለምን ድንጋይ ፊልሞችን ትይዛለህ?

ሌላ አማራጭ

  1. because my friends and relatives wanted to watch with them.
  2. just for a change
  3. don't watch
  4. because i grew up with them.
  5. i like the intensity.
  6. all of the above
  7. for fun, when you're with friends and want to feel that excitement in your blood.
  8. i grew up with them and built my career around them.
  9. i wish to remember what modern horror movies look like.
  10. because nothing's on tv

በምን እንደ እንደ ድንጋይ ፊልሞችን ትይዛለህ?

የድንጋይ ፊልም የተወደደዎት የተለየ ነው?

What is your favorite horror movie?

Other option

  1. conjuring
  2. the conjuring series
  3. hellraiser
  4. n/a
  5. alien
  6. nightmare on elm street
  7. silence of the lambs
  8. the children (1980)
  9. the blair witch project
  10. paranormal activity
የእርስዎን ጥያቄ ይፍጠሩይህን አካሄድ መልስ ይስጡ