የእንቅስቃሴ ኩባንያ

እኔ የ4ኛ ዓመት የFDV ተማሪ ነኝ እና በምርምር ላይ እባኮት እገዛ እፈልጋለሁ :)

1. እባኮት በእርግጥ የተወዳጅ የሆኑ ሶስት ኩባንያዎችን (የስልቅ ወይም የውጭ) ይግለጹ። በእርግጥ ይወዳድሩ (1= በጣም ወዳጅ).

  1. the text "werwerxcvx" does not appear to have a meaning in any language. it seems to be a random string of characters.
  2. w323
  3. a
  4. bmw, yes car, petrol
  5. 1 - riko 2 - trimo 3 - astrazeneca
  6. krka microsoft triglav insurance
  7. google, cashflow technologies, hay house.
  8. 1=gorenje, 2=mobitel, 3=google
  9. apple, google, mobitel
  10. google krka simobil

1.2. በእርግጥ የተወዳጅ ኩባንያ ለማለት የሚያስፈልጉ ባህሪዎች/ባህሪያት ምንድነው? ቢያንስ ሶስት ይዘጋጁ።

  1. the text "wexzcvb" does not appear to be a word or phrase in any recognizable language. it seems to be a random string of characters.
  2. 33123eesada
  3. b
  4. tradition, calling or following trends and changes in the market, quality, environmental awareness
  5. loyalty, accessibility, persistence
  6. reputation business success social responsibility
  7. to work for the good of the people, employees, and your clients.
  8. professionally trained leadership + employees, the successes of the company, a reputable company is one that has never been involved in a scandal.
  9. friendly to employees, good salary, environmentally friendly.
  10. innovation, social responsibility, financial success

2. እባኮት በእርግጥ የተወዳጅ የሆኑ ሶስት ኩባንያዎችን ይግለጹ። በእርግጥ ይወዳድሩ (1= በጣም ወዳጅ የማይሆን).

  1. dsadasdsa
  2. c
  3. vegrad, railway, mura
  4. 3- nlb 2- v & v 1- merkur
  5. vegrad lafarge cement mura
  6. facebook, forex finance, nlb d.d.
  7. 1=vegrad, 2=sct, 3=merkur
  8. lidl, hofer, lesnina
  9. lafargo, sct, mura

2.2. እንዴት እንደዚህ ኩባንያዎች ወደ ወዳጅ የማይሆን ይሆናሉ? በእርግጥ የተወዳጅ ኩባንያ ለማለት የሚያስፈልጉ ባህሪዎች/ባህሪያት ምንድነው? ቢያንስ ሶስት ይዘጋጁ።

  1. vzxcv
  2. assdadasd
  3. d
  4. exploitation of employees, scandals, corruption, obsolescence
  5. tycoon takeovers, criminal offenses, abuse of position, defrauding the state budget
  6. social irresponsibility poor business performance lack of innovation
  7. all three are deceiving the honest people. 1: companies that are not environmentally conscious 2: companies that use monopolies to force price increases for their services. 3: companies that profit from lying and misleading the public. (healthcare, oil,...)
  8. because the management has abandoned the workers. the indifference of the management, the greed of all those at the top, and the non-payment of wages.
  9. the relationship between superiors and their subordinates is too formal, the appearance of the company's organization gives an impression of disorganization, excessive strictness.
  10. non-transparent business, exploitation of workers, backwardness

3.1. የምርት ዓመት:

  1. you
  2. sadasdasd
  3. e
  4. 1988
  5. 1978
  6. 1982
  7. 1985
  8. 1990
  9. 1985
  10. 1988

3.2. የእንቅስቃሴ አካባቢ

3.2. ጾታ

የእርስዎን አካሄድ ይፍጠሩይህን አካሄድ መልስ ይስጡ