የወለድ እንደማይችል

አንድ ወይም የታወቀው ማንም ወለድ እንደማይችል ነው?

ብዙ ሰዎች ወለድ እንደማይችል እንዴት ይሆን?

የወለድ ወይም ወለድ የማይችል ወይም ወለድ የማይችል

  1. infertility means that one cannot get pregnant within a certain period of time due to sperm disorder.
  2. not having babies
  3. not being able to make a baby with a lead
  4. unable to reproduce
  5. "omw alex learn to spell: what is meant by infertility: the inability to produce ovums or sufficient sperm of sufficient quality to fertilize the ovum."
  6. can't have kids
  7. not being able to have a child
  8. not being able to reproduce and produce either egg or sperm.
  9. unable to reproduce
  10. can't have children.

የወለድ ወይም ወለድ የማይችል ወይም ወለድ የማይችል

የእርስዎን ጥያቄ ይፍጠሩይህን አካሄድ መልስ ይስጡ