ፈተና ለተማሪዎች በፎርት ሀር ዩኒቨርሲቲ

እኛ በኪንግስተን ዩኒቨርሲቲ የምንገናኝ ተማሪዎች ቡድን ነን እና በመማር ላይ የአይቲ ጥቅሞች ላይ የምንሰራ ፕሮጀክት እንደምንደርግ ነን። ይህን ፈተና ለመለየት አይቲ በመማርዎ ላይ ያለውን እና ያለውን ተፅዕኖ ለማወቅ አዘጋጅነን። እባኮትን ወደ እርስዎ የሚገባ ሁሉንም መልስ ይምረጡ። ይህን ፈተና ለመለየት እና በፕሮጀክታችን ለማገዝ እናመሰግናለን። *ኢንትራኔት= ዩኒቨርሲቲዎ ተማሪዎች ጋር መረጃ ለማጋራት የሚጠቀም ስርዓት።
ፈተና ለተማሪዎች በፎርት ሀር ዩኒቨርሲቲ

1. እንደ ምን እንደ ምን አልተማሩም የምን ነው?

f. Other (please state why)

  1. peer pressure. a friend might suggest that we spend our time doing something else, something more leisurely.
  2. i am
  3. when i'm sick
  4. the database lectures are offered only for full-time students.
  5. food problems
  6. due to the fact that i live far from school, i sometimes do not manage to be on time for my lecture.
  7. i am attending all the lectures.
  8. work commitments
  9. illness
  10. i'm pregnant and close to my due date.

2. What is your motivation for coming into class?

f. Other (please state why)

  1. initially to pass the course which will bring me closer to my goal, which is to obtain a degree.
  2. to graduate
  3. to learn more about the course database.
  4. to learn more about the database as a course and computers as well.
  5. to gain a better understanding of the course and hear the views of the lecturers, as well as to receive some guidance.
  6. get to know how things work and have a better understanding
  7. to gain knowledge and spend time with fellow course mates and discuss some important issues pertaining to the module, by doing so i gain a lot of knowledge.
  8. i enjoy what i am being taught, and the lecturer is straightforward about the subject matter. at times, the lecturer makes the course and the lecture very interesting to attend by using examples from real-life situations.
  9. to be able to sustain myself so that i can have a better lifestyle, find a suitable job that i enjoy, and gain experience.
  10. to be able to write and submit the assignment.

3. What sort of IT facilities are available at your university?

d. Other (please state)

  1. all-in-one printers
  2. scanners, photocopiers, printers, etc.
  3. laptops
  4. projectors blackboards
  5. projectors
  6. projectors (cinema)

4. How easy is it to get access to a computer at your university?(please tick, 1 being very difficult, 6 being very easy)

5. What type of IT tools do you use to support your learning at your university?

6. How would you rate your IT skills and knowledge? (please tick, 1 being very poor, 6 being advanced)

7. Are you satisfied with the quality of the lectures? Please explain why.

  1. yes. patient lecturers.
  2. no
  3. not much. some teachers are not sincere in their duties.
  4. ain't nobody got time for that!
  5. not really. one can't really hear the lecturer because of poor venue and projection.
  6. yes, i would like to believe that it is of high quality. i haven't done databases before nor with any other university, so i can't really make much of a strong comparison review.
  7. yes, i feel like i'm gaining good knowledge.
  8. yes, i am, because our lecturer is meeting us halfway by assisting us where we need help.
  9. it seems like this semester all my lectures are boring me. i haven't a clue why, though.
  10. yes, i am. i have gained sufficient knowledge that is required for me to be prepared to write exams and move to the next level in my studies.

8. Do you have access to a computer at home?

9. How do you connect to the internet?

d. Other (please state)

  1. no
  2. i use a modem.
  3. personal computer at home
  4. by using computers that are provided at school
  5. 3g
  6. i phone

10. How do you communicate with your lecturers?

d. Other (please state)

  1. we can also communicate with him via emails as well.
  2. i can also communicate with him by e-mail.
  3. during the consultation times they have provided
  4. consultation times
  5. during consultation hours
  6. projectors

11. How often do you use the intranet* that your university are providing?

12. What sort of information is available on the intranet? (please tick more than one if applicable)

j. other (please state)

  1. student online services where we get our results, timetable, fee balances, and all student administration inquiries.
  2. webmail, student accounts info, blackboard, e-library, academic support, clubs & societies, etc.
  3. previous class tests with memos and tutorial exercises
  4. note

13. Are you satisfied with the intranet?

Please explain why

  1. quick and easy access to knowledge.
  2. i feel it is as upgraded as the university allows, even having social networking sites. it is not always up and running due to minor faults here and there, but it does the job well.
  3. it provides us with the necessary information we need to get by.
  4. it is easy to access, and the information it has is very helpful.
  5. because it doesn't really tell us what we need, specific test dates and venues
  6. it is not updated as frequently as i would like it to be.
  7. all the announcements are provided, the information about academic records and general administration is there.
  8. i get everything i need.
  9. because it gives me everything i need from my results, timetable, my fees balances, etc.
  10. i never had a problem logging in, and the internet is always online.

14. How can students contact each other?

15. What do you think the benefits are of working with international students using IT?

  1. it is wonderful.
  2. no
  3. more knowledge can be gained by joining them.
  4. ain't nobody got time for that!
  5. you get to have inside, nearly first-hand experience of what happens in other parts of the world almost instantly.
  6. it will help develop the use of it all over the world. when it comes to it, some people are more reluctant to get involved because it's usually too technical, etc. but if it involved communicating with international students, maybe the reluctant group might find it more interesting and would get more involved.
  7. it brings together lots of ideas.
  8. since we are from different countries, things are done differently, and we can teach each other new things.
  9. well, we can communicate.
  10. i believe that international students have a more advanced technological system; therefore, we could learn a lot from them.

16. Would this be something you are interested in doing?

  1. yes
  2. no
  3. may be.
  4. ain't nobody got time for that!
  5. yes i would :)
  6. no, not really. firstly, my field of study is in economics, and secondly, i am one of those people who are technologically inclined. social networks, emailing, and smartphones are the only things that interest me when it comes to it.
  7. visiting an it-related business
  8. yes, it is.
  9. yes, i'm always up for learning or doing something new.
  10. yes
የእርስዎን አካሄድ ይፍጠሩይህን አካሄድ መልስ ይስጡ