Dear respondent,

Master's in Business Management student            JOFI JOSE          is writing a scientific paper,

On "LEADERSHIP POSSIBILITIES AND PROBLEMS MANAGING EMPLOYEES FROM DIFFERENT CULTURES”, the aim of the thesis is “To provide guidelines in the management of culturally diverse employees, by analyzing the changing mentality and social thinking about diverse culture in organizations.”

Filling this questionnaire will take 5-10 minutes and consists of 21 questions. All data collected is anonymous and will only be used for scientific purposes. Do not skip any questions unless instructed to do so. Please answer the questions according to your university community. Please answer as openly as possible.

የአንቀት ውጤቶች የህዝብ ለውጥ ናቸው

1. What is your gender? (please select the one suitable answer) ✪

2. What is your age? (please select the one suitable answer) ✪

3. What is your nationality? (please select the one suitable answer) ✪

4. Have you studied abroad before? (please select the one suitable answer) ✪

5. If Yes on Question number 4 please specify the name of country? (please select the one suitable answer) ✪

6. What degree do you plan to complete at this University? (please select the one suitable answer) ✪

7. What is your current student status? (please select the one suitable answer) ✪

8. Where do you reside currently? (please select the one suitable answer) ✪

9. How many years have you been studying in this university? (please select the one suitable answer) ✪

10. Do you currently correspond with people from other countries? (please select the one suitable answer) ✪

11. Do you have friends from different countries (cultural-racial-ethnic backgrounds) different than your own? (please select the one suitable answer) ✪

12. How comfortable would you be to share a dormitory room or your living space with an international person? (please select the one suitable answer) ✪

13. How often do you feel it is difficult to live in Klaipeda because of the cultural difference with the native people? (please select the one suitable answer) ✪

14. Where do you feel more difficult to communicate to people because of the cultural differences? ( Mark or evaluate for each statement) ✪

Some times
Very few times
Work place
Social gatherings
Public events
social networks

15. Do you feel that you are missing your own traditions of your country? (please select the one suitable answer) ✪

16. Do you feel that you are not getting a chance to take part in the traditional events of Klaipeda? (please select the one suitable answer) ✪

17. Did you ever face misunderstandings because of the language barriers with the native speakers? (please select the one suitable answer) ✪

18. How often do you feel any difficulty with the language while communicating in the following places? (Mark or evaluate for each statement) ✪

Very little
Medical shops
Public transportation

19. How much contact did you have with the following groups of people prior to coming to this university? (mark one rating for each group of people) ✪

Very good contact (VGC)
Good contact (GC)
Moderate contact (MC)
Little contact (LC)
No contact (NC)
African Americans
American Indians
Non-native English speakers
Native language speakers

20. Do you face any issues on your university related to (mark one rating for each statement) ✪

Strongly agree (SA)
Agree (A)
Strongly disagree (SD)
Disagree (D)
Don't know (DK)

21. Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statements. (mark one rating for each statement) ✪

Strongly disagree
Strongly agree
This university has strong and visible leadership from the rector and the administrators to foster the respect for diversity on campus.
This university is truly open and accepting of foreign students.
I am satisfied with the university environment and cultural diversity at this university.
The faculty and staff here respect all cultures and religions.
The university has good leadership to manage all students from different cultural backgrounds.
The students are respectful towards all races and religions.
Students from different ethnic and cultural backgrounds participate equally in all classroom discussions and learning.
The environment at the university helps students develop their views on cultural diversity.