2023 ምርጫ በፊት በቱርኪ ፕሬዚዳንት ሬገፕ ታይፕ አርዶጋን ላይ የሚኖር እይታ

ኢርዳጎን የCOVID-19 ወታደር በመንግስታት ላይ ያደረገው እንዴት በቱርክ ዜጎች መካከል የታወቀ ድምፅ አስተዋይ ነው?

  1. the pandemic had a significant economic impact on turkey, as it did in many other countries. economic challenges, including job losses and reduced income, affected the livelihoods of many turkish citizens. erdogan's popularity could be influenced by how people perceive his government's management of the economic consequences of the pandemic.
  2. it didn’t affect that much. he didn’t help people financially.
  3. erdogan's handling of the covid-19 pandemic has been a mixed bag, and his approach has been criticized by some in turkey. at the beginning of the pandemic, erdogan was criticized for not taking the threat of the virus seriously enough and for downplaying the severity of the outbreak. this led to a delay in implementing strict measures to control the spread of the virus, which allowed it to spread more rapidly.
  4. at the start of the pandemic, erdogan's government acted relatively quickly to implement strict measures aimed at controlling the spread of the virus, such as implementing a partial lockdown, closing schools, and canceling large gatherings. however, as the pandemic wore on, there were accusations that the government was not doing enough to support struggling businesses and workers, leading to protests in some parts of the country.
  5. erdogan's handling of the covid-19 pandemic has been a mixed bag, with early success giving way to criticism and frustration as the situation has dragged on.
  6. i cannot say ******** there is no question added for me to give you feedback on your questionnaire and you did not submit the responses on moodle! in terms of the questionnaire, there are some issues. firstly, the age range has overlapping values. if a person is 22, should they choose 18-22 or 22-25? it looks like you copied my example from the board of what not to do... :) later, in the question about gender, you have some grammar issues (e.g. a person cannot be plural 'women', a singular 'woman' should be used instead). other questions are based on trusting that the person actually knows about the recent political events and situations in turkey.
  7. no idea
  8. all right
  9. fortunately, turkey recently had its first pandemic case. unfortunately, they didn't control it very well. he always said that our health system is one of the best in the world. however, in terms of the pandemic, we saw that it is not. i got covid three times. i had been studying in latvia. latvia was much safer in terms of pandemic cases compared to turkey.
  10. reactions were late but still managed to cripple the business.
  11. i'm not very familiar with this part.
  12. in the early stages of the pandemic, erdogan's government was criticized for downplaying the severity of the outbreak and for being slow to implement measures to contain the spread of the virus. however, as the situation worsened, erdogan's government began to take more decisive action, including implementing lockdowns and other restrictions on movement and business activity.
  13. he has been using it for negative consequences, such as on the economy or inflation, etc.
  14. it didn't affect it much.
  15. concerns have been expressed regarding the government's openness and accountability in handling the outbreak. some opponents have accused erdogan's administration of suppressing or distorting data on the number of covid-19 cases and fatalities in the country. despite these reservations, erdogan's popularity has remained steady. according to an august 2021 study conducted by istanbul economics research, erdogan's approval rating was at 42%, which was higher than some previous surveys had indicated. which is nonsense.
  16. i don't know.
  17. erdogan's handling of the covid-19 outbreak has significantly impacted his reputation among turkish citizens. during the early phases of the epidemic, erdogan's administration imposed rigorous measures to control the virus's spread, such as lockdowns and travel restrictions. these efforts initially worked to restrict the spread of the virus, and erdogan's popularity ratings improved as a result. however, as the epidemic has progressed, erdogan's popularity has suffered. his government has been accused by critics of mishandling the vaccine rollout, which has been delayed and inconsistent, as well as failing to offer appropriate support to companies and workers affected by pandemic-related restrictions. meanwhile, turkey has experienced an increase in covid-19 cases in recent months, leading to further limitations and citizen dissatisfaction.