Survey of motivational channel users

Thank you for participating in this survey. We are trying to find out more about motivational channel users and ways to make the organization better. Understanding your needs would allow us to serve you as best as we can. As a gift, we have prepared an amazing set of knowledge on how to make money online that could become a life changer. All you need to do is fill out the questions below and enter your email at the very end (optional). The ebook will be sent via email within 7 days.

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4.Your income (monthly)

5.Marital status


7.Your Country

8.Environment you live in

9.What style of motivational channel communication would you rather prefer?

10. Which topics on motivational profile are you most interested in?

11. Which way is more convenient for you to see motivational channel posts?

12. What are the main reasons why you are interested in motivational posts?

13.Evaluate, how true it is to you:

Fully disagree
I don't know
Fully agree
I'm implementing knowledge received from motivational channel into my life
I spend a lot of time on motivational channel quotes before I start taking action
Because of motivational channels I have clear goals and I persistently try to achieve them
I use motivation as source of energy to power my hard work
Sometimes I don't get motivated by quotes

14. What type of motivational content would you prefer most?

15.Evaluate, what social network sites do you use the most?

16.How much time on average do you spend daily on social networks?

17.How much time on average do you spend daily on Instagram?

18.What are you mostly using Instagram for?

19.Do you share motivational posts with your friends?

20.How likely are you:

Not likely
Don't know
To reach out to motivational channel through Instagram
To comment on motivational channel posts
To hit "like" on motivational channel posts
To recommend motivational channel to friends or family

21.Have you ever bought a product or service after you saw it on Instagram?

22.Would you like to see more products or services related to motivational content?

23.(Optional) Enter your email to receive free ebook for making money online