APPOLO questionnaire to laser-based equipment suppliers and potential user of laser technologies

All answers will be treated with the maximum of confidentiality. Participating companies and individuals will not be identified in publications of the APPOLO network and only aggregated statistics gathered from all participants of this survey will be published. 

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1. How do you currently make use of lasers technologies in your company?

(Tick all that apply)

2. How would you like to use laser technologies in the future?

(Tick all that apply)

3. What prevents your company from adopting or expanding the use of laser technologies?

(Tick all that apply)

4. Do you expect / plan / like to introduce laser technologies in future?

5. Could you please specify which type of conventional production methods you are using and which you are planning to substitute by laser processing?

6. Do you need discussion regarding laser application in future product /technology development?

7. Which specific areas of laser processing are you interested in?

(Tick all that apply)

8. Are you interested in?

(Tick all that apply)

9. Are there any limitations in laser technologies preventing their adoption in your industry?

10. Are there any aspects of laser technologies that must be improved for their adoption in your industry?

11. How important is for you that the laser system specifications comply with an officially certified standard, i.e. ISO?

12. Do you see benefits of independent validation of specifications of lasers and other equipment?

13. Which benefits of laser technology assessment are most useful for you?

Please rate 1 to 5 (with 5 being the most important)
Independent comparison of competitive laser products
Minimization of purchase risk
Standartization of purchase
Quality information of laser processed parts
Information about reliability of laser system
Independent experts to choose suitable laser products

13a. Can you name other benefits of laser technology assessment?

14. Which laser parameters are the most important for your application?

Please rate 1 to 5 (with 5 being the most important)
Output power
Pulse energy
Pulse energy stability
Tunable or multiple wavelength outputs (harmonics)
Repetition Rate
Beam quality
Beam spot size
Beam divergence
Beam pointing stability
Pulse duration
Burst mode
Pulse timing jitter
Synchronisation accuracy
Control interface
Operating temperature /humidity
Power consumption
Absolute tolerance of output parameters between products
Dimensions and weight

14a. Can you name other important laser parameters for you?

15. Which process parameters are the most important for your application?

Please rate 1 to 5 (with 5 being the most important)
Process throughput
Process speed
Tolerance to laser parameter variation
Tolerance to work piece properties variation
Maintenance free
Sheet to sheet
24/7 regime
I do not know

15a. Can you name other important process parameters?

16. What has the strongest influence to your decision to apply laser technology against other alternative technologies?

Please rate 1 to 5 (with 5 being the most important)
Investment cost
Processing quality
Running costs
Safety requirements
Personnel requirements
Range of materials
Reliable suppliers

16a. Can you name other important factors in decision making?

17. Where are you looking for consultancy and support in selecting lasers and laser technologies for your needs?

Your Principal industry sector:

Core business:

Legal form:

Number of employees:

When was your company established:

Your name*:

*only If you want to be contacted by APPOLO

Your role within the company* :

*only If you want to be contacted by APPOLO

Do you have responsibility or influence for decision making on company?

Would you be interested in a detailed consultation about your laser fabrication needs? Tick yes if you are willing to have us contact you directly in the future.

If you are interested in a detailed consultation about laser fabrication, please provide contact information:
