Cosmetic questionnaire

Hello! I am a third-year student from Lithuania in the Advertising Management course at Vilniaus Kolegija/University of Applied Sciences. The purpose of this questionnaire is to identify the main habits related to the use of cosmetic products. The questionnaire is anonymous, and all answers will be used for academic and research purposes. I kindly ask you to answer all questions honestly. Thank you! :)

Cosmetic questionnaire
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1. What types of cosmetic products do you use most frequently? Rate your answer on a scale from 1 to 5 (1 – not used, 2 – rarely used, 3 – occasionally used, 4 – often used, 5 – very frequently used).

Body care products (creams, lotions, shower gels, etc.);
Hair care products (shampoo, conditioner, masks, serums, etc.);
Face care products (day/night creams, facial cleansers, masks, face and eye serums, etc.);
Perfumes, deodorants;
Cosmetics (mascara, lipstick, eyeshadow, powder, etc.);
Hand and foot care products.

2. How important is it for you to have young and beautiful skin?

3. Do you follow a consistent skincare routine? If yes, which of the following products do you use and how often?

Very often
Not used
Facial cleansings;
Eye care products (serums, anti-wrinkle masks, etc.)

4. Are you interested in news about cosmetics (following cosmetic blogs, being part of newsletters on the topic...)?

5. Which feature of skin products is most important to you? Select 1 or 2 answers.

6. How important is price when choosing a product to purchase?

7. Do you think it's important to try products before purchasing them?

8. Where do you usually buy cosmetic products? Select up to two answers.

9. Which of the following sources do you use to seek information about cosmetics?

10. What factors encourage you to try new cosmetic products that you have never used before? Rate your answer on a scale from 1 to 3. (1- very encouraging, 2- encouraging, 3- indifferent).

Reasonable price;
Recommendations from famous people;
Positive online reviews;
Recommendations from friends/acquaintances;
Detailed product information;
Convincing advertising;
Product ingredients;
Exclusive packaging/design elements;
Blog reviews;
The company does not engage in animal testing;

11. What do you pay the most attention to when choosing cosmetics to purchase?

12. In what context does cosmetic advertising attract your attention the most? Rate your answer on a scale from 1 to 5. (1 – not at all, 2- rarely, 3- moderately, 4- sometimes, 5- very often).

On the Internet;
Radio ads;
Beauty and fashion magazines;
Store flyers and brochures.

13. Are you aware of the dangers you face when using chemical cosmetic products?

14. Have you heard about organic beauty products?

15. Have you ever tried organic cosmetic products?

16. Is the composition of cosmetic products important to you?

17. Would you agree to pay more for organic and certified products?

18. Do you know the difference between organic cosmetics and ecological/natural products?

19. Do you think that ecological/natural cosmetics are better than traditional ones?

20. What do you think are the biggest disadvantages of organic cosmetics?

21. Do you think there is enough information about organic cosmetics?

22. What is your opinion on the home delivery system for cosmetics? Is the service useful?

23. What do you think emphasizes the uniqueness of the product the most? Rate your answer on a scale from 5 to 1. (5- very much, 4- quite a bit, 3- moderately, 2- a little, 1- not at all)

Advertising campaign;
A lot of useful information;
Detailed instructions;
Famous people as testimonials;
Results of studies and research;
Expert recommendations.

24. Your gender:

25. Your age:

26. How much do you spend on cosmetics on average each month?