Guerilla marketing

A short questionnaire for my English presentation about Guerilla Marketing. Thank you for your time.

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What was the last advertisement which really caught your attention and you still remember it?

What channel did that advertisement use?

From your point of view, which type of marketing is more efficient these days?

If you checked "Guerilla Marketing", please evaluate types of Guerilla Marketing by its effectiveness in 2019

Not effective
Sometimes effective
Very effective
Ambient marketing (advertising in unusual places)
Ambush marketing ("fighting" through advertisements, e.g. "Pepsi" making fun of "Coca Cola" and vice-versa)
Stealth marketing ("secret" advertising to people without them even noticing the ad)
Viral/buzz marketing (getting people to spread the marketing message to other people)
Guerrilla projection advertising (Digital billboards on buildings without permission)
Grassroots marketing (creating relationship with customers but not trying to sell something on the spot)
Wild posting (putting a lot of posters in busy areas)
Astroturfing (paying someone to hype your product in advance, fake advertisements)
Street marketing (not fixed ads: product sampling, walking billboards and etc.)