Impact of motivating employees in creating organizational loyalty (private sector)

This survey is conducted for an exploratory study to determine (the impact of motivation at work in creating loyalty and to identify what most motivates employees at work).
This study should take around 10 minutes to complete. You must be at least 18 years old to participate in this study.

Your participation in this research project is voluntary. You do not have to participate and can refuse to answer any question.

Your involvement in this study is anonymous to the researcher(s). Neither the researcher nor anyone involved in this study will collect your personal information. Any reports or publications based on this research will use only aggregate data and will not identify you or any individual as being associated with this project.

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1. your gender

2. Which age group do you belong to?

3. educational level

4. the industry you work in

5. your current work experience level

6. your satisfaction about work opportunities available to you.

7. do you think that it's important for organizations to provide motivation programs

8. do you think that providing motivation programs for employees can lead to loyalty at work?

9. if your answer was yes, why?

10. your ability to participate and make decisions in company strategies/specific projects

11. ability to express/share your ideas

12. you have high authority in your position

13. you are provided with a variety of tasks to perform

14. you have the capacity to express your opinion

16. you have the right to change your own work schedule (flexibility)

17. Possibility of getting a promotion

18. your organization provides monthly rewards.

19. your organization provides paid insurance like: health insurance

20. your organization provides (accredited certificate/qualification improvement/training workshop)

21. you have a good working relationship with employees and your manager

22. Kindly rank the below variables arranged by which of these motivations are most important to exist (with 1 = very good, 2 = good, 3 = moderate, 4 = bad, 5 = very bad):

Benefits/Bonus Package.
Management appreciation
opportunities for promotion
Challenging job
Job Security
Participation in decision-making
work independently
compensation leave
good relationship with manager and employees