Intergenerational Knowledge Transfer within Tunisian Companies: Advantages & Disadvantages

Dear Sir/Madam,

As part of the preparation of a research thesis for obtaining a master's degree in Management at the Faculty of Legal, Economic and Management Sciences of Jendouba (FSJEGJ), under the supervision of Mrs. BEN CHOUIKHA Mouna. This work focuses on the theme of "Intergenerational Knowledge Transfer within Tunisian Companies: Advantages & Disadvantages," we kindly ask for your cooperation by responding to this questionnaire.

We formally commit to using the results of this questionnaire solely within the purely scientific framework of our research.

Thank you in advance

Company Name

    Sector of Activity






              How long have you been working?

                What is your highest level of education?

                Languages Spoken

                Other languages

                  Q1 - Answer "yes" or "no" to the following questions:

                  Q2 - Check the box that best corresponds to your choice:

                  Q3 - Using the scale provided, indicate how often you have used these means of knowledge sharing:

                  Please indicate other means you use in your daily activities:

                    Q4 - For what reasons might you use the previous means in your organization:

                    Please indicate any other reasons:

                      Q5 - In your company, what is the management style according to the generations discussed?

                      Q6 - Use this scale to express your degree of disagreement or agreement with the following statements:

                      Q7 - What types of relationships do different generations maintain with each other and with outsiders regarding knowledge transfer?

                      Q8 - Intergenerational tensions at work vary, please prioritize the factors below according to their impact on relationships between generations in the organization:

                      Q10 - Among the types of learning defined below, which type is present in your organization?

                      Q11 - The knowledge transferred is most often:

                      Q12 - In your opinion, the creation of knowledge depends on which process?

                      Q12 - In your opinion, the creation of knowledge depends on what process?

                      Q13 - The sharing of knowledge among members of the organization is :

                      Q14- In your opinion, what is the most effective incentive system to encourage transfer?

                      Q15- Generally, management sees the strategic usefulness of sharing and intergenerational cooperation within the company?

                      How do you perceive baby boomers (55-65 years old):

                      How do you perceive Generation X (35-54 years old)?

                      How do you perceive Generation Y (19-34 years old)?

                      If you have any questions or topics that we did not cover in this questionnaire, please feel free to specify them:

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