KoGloss: እንደ ግምገማ ጥያቄ ቅጽ

Your comments/ additions/ suggestions:

  1. additions
  2. i would suggest using antconc in the course "introduction to terminology," where students could collect corpora themselves and, with the help of the instructor, process them to obtain the necessary results. this would be an opportunity to use this tool in several subjects and more frequently than before.
  3. hans werth says: the reference to the dictionary of the german language, 1838 [a new term is making the rounds: "gutteln," 01.04.2011], is indeed ludicrous, but not very convincing. one may attribute it to the genre of folk etymology, as shown on page 270 of the wbds: "gutteln, guttern, tfl6nen, like a liquid poured from a narrow-necked vessel; a derivation of the word that is to be taken lightly." and "gutteln" is by no means "making the rounds" ... but in another historical source from 1835, there is a printed copy, at the very bottom right in small print, a "note from the typesetter: 'no. 60 "ei so lfcg" is a plagiarism from the >dorfzeitung<.'” if this were to happen today, an independently employed insider inserting it into print documents would not only be dismissed without notice but also confronted with damage claims from the author and publisher, etc. one should not be misled again by that public call for the identification of the so-called "plagiarism hunters." because those authors who enable the rich harvest of vroniplag are concerned with such intentions. and they may even have their generous "doctor fathers" as accomplices, who might grant them perhaps fabricated university absolution for the sake of their own reputation. a rogue who associates this with the crow principle. and finally, the charming crows are under nature protection. nothing against 'googling,' which is hastily denounced as a "sin against the spirit of science." it is exclusively about correct usage, both formally and in content. the internet offers various levels: for example, reference collections like wikipedia or similar. a nice collection that can be very helpful in uncovering other sources. however, the contents themselves should be enjoyed with caution and always require verification of the original. furthermore, sometimes data or characters are slightly 'varied,' thus laying a trap for 'intellectual thieves.' often a (pseudo-)source is provided, which appears in the wiki article or similar collections as proof, but does not prove the associated sentence or the claims contained therein.
  4. i would have preferred if the instructors had provided several sessions for working on our own entries. we could also review each other's entries in group work during the sessions and give direct feedback.
  5. please upload examples earlier, as this way one can complete their task sooner (this only applies to the first task we had to complete, not the glossary entry!).
  6. the quality of the course was unfortunately not convincing. i don't feel like i learned anything, even though i really tried hard...
  7. the topic is fundamentally interesting, but its application in the educational field is absolutely unimaginable and therefore not suitable as a seminar for teaching degrees. the instructors, however, are very nice and competent.
  8. unfortunately, i missed the connection to our later teaching activities. perhaps there could have been a session on a similar project in the school or suggestions on how to handle such a glossary in the school. additionally, i did not understand exactly what is meant by "kogloss method" and "antconc." i could only piece this together. the option: no information is also missing. otherwise: interesting seminar.
  9. the provided sample entry was very helpful; unfortunately, the instructors were not entirely in agreement about the information included. this seminar could possibly take place in a slz, allowing all participants to follow a tutorial simultaneously.
  10. it would be good to create a unified training method, as otherwise there were many problems with it.
  11. 使用kogloss方法的工作是一个很好的机会,让我了解语料库语言学的领域。我发现这种方法非常实用,并且我打算将其用于个人用途(例如在翻译时)。
  12. no comments.
  13. the kogloss method is very useful for compiling different corpora, providing greater learning opportunities for acquiring a foreign language.
  14. it would be great if one could work with ko-gloss not only using internet explorer - the browser is losing popularity and some need to install it specifically to work with ko-gloss. my suggestion would also be to consider linking between glossaries - if entries have equivalents in glossaries in other languages. i find such a service very necessary for foreign students.
  15. it seems to me to be much more effective than a static glossary.
  16. the work (both at home and in the seminar) was enjoyable for me. thank you!
  17. i just hope whoever writes these keeps writing more!