Lithuanian tourism resources (For people who are living in Cyprus)

Dear foreigner, I am a second year student from Lithuania. I am studying at Kaunas University of Applied Sciences and I am making a marketing research in order to find out about how people in Cyprus know and valuate Lithuanian tourism resources. I would like to ask for your help and thank you in advance for filling out this form. The data of survey would not be publicize but just used in the study process. It will take several minutes. Thank you for your answers and your valuable time. Your answers will be appreciated!

Lithuanian tourism resources (For people who are living in Cyprus)
የአንቀት ውጤቶች ለአንቀት ወገን ብቻ ይገኛሉ

What is your age group?

Please give some information about yourself

What is your sex?

Your nationality:

What is your current status?

1. Do you know where is Lithuania?

2. What do you know about Lithuania?

3. Have you ever been in Lithuania?

4. Would you like to visit Lithuania?

5. Do you have an opportunity to visit Lithuania?

6. What Lithuanian tourism resources (theme parks, attractions, some interesting places) do you know?

7. How many times have you visited Lithuania?

8. What was the aim of your holidays in Lithuania?

9. How long did you stay in Lithuania?

10. In what kind of accommodation did you stay?

11. In which city have you been?

12. What exactly have you visited in Lithuania?

13. Please evaluate the different aspects of our area.

Very Good
I do not know
Nature in general.
Local life style.
Historical sites.
Walking and excursions.
Tourist information.
Feeling of safety.
Quality of medical services.
Money withdrawal facilities (e.g. ATM).
Value for money.

14. What did you LIKE the most during your visit to Lithuania?

15. What did you DISLIKE the most during your visit to Lithuania?

16. Did your trip to Lithuania fulfill your expectations?

If answered “not really” or “absolutely not” please state why

17. Would you visit Lithuania again within the coming 5 years?

18. What do you want to visit in Lithuania?

18. What do you want to visit in Lithuania?

19. What special activities would you like to try?

20. If you had an opportunity to spend a weekend in Lithuania, what would you choose?

21. Do you recommend to visit Lithuania for others?