Moka Fruit Ltda

Good day, we will present you with a few questions that will take only a couple of minutes of your time. We thank you in advance for your cordial help; these questions are related to a new product for which a marketing follow-up is being carried out in order to have an insight into its impact on the market and its possible projection. Best regards and thanks from Moka Fruit Ltda.

Moka Fruit Ltda
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Please enter your name: ✪

Please enter your age:

Please enter your monthly income:

Please select your gender:

Are you a consumer of filled chocolates?

What is the average amount of chocolates you consume weekly?

When you buy filled chocolates, what presentation do you prefer?

When consuming chocolates, what filling do you prefer?

Which of the following chocolate brands do you prefer?

When buying chocolate, the first thing you notice is...?

For a good quality chocolate, how much would you be willing to pay (in Colombian pesos)?