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I am Marija Gažim, a fourth-year student in the General Nursing study program at the Faculty of Health Sciences, Klaipėda State College. Currently, I am preparing my bachelor's thesis and conducting research aimed at determining the knowledge of people suffering from cardiovascular diseases about participation in the preventive program. The survey is anonymous, your answers are confidential, and will only be used for research purposes. Please mark your answers with an X or write your answer in the designated space, indicated by dots (……….). Thank you for your cooperation!

1. Your gender (please mark only one applicable answer)

2. Your age (please mark only one applicable answer)

3. Education (please mark only one applicable answer)

4. Your social status (please mark only one applicable answer)

5. Your marital status (please mark only one applicable answer)

6. Place of residence (please mark only one applicable answer)

7. Do you know the main risk factors that affect the development of heart disease? (please mark only one applicable answer)

8. In your opinion, which of the listed risk factors poses the greatest risk for developing cardiovascular diseases? (you may mark several applicable answers)

9. Where do you know about the cardiovascular disease prevention program from? (you may mark several applicable answers)

10. Are you currently participating/have you participated in the cardiovascular disease prevention program? (please mark only one applicable answer)

11. If you answered negatively to the previous question, please indicate why you did not participate in the cardiovascular disease prevention program (you may mark several applicable answers)

12. Do you smoke? (you may mark several applicable answers)

13. Do you add extra salt to prepared food? (you may mark several applicable answers)

14. Indicate how you eat (in each row, mark one answer option)

15. Mark statements that match your activity/intensity (you may mark several applicable answers)

16. What encouraged you to participate in the cardiovascular disease prevention program? (you may mark several applicable answers)

17. Did your family doctor provide you with preventive measures and advice on how to avoid cardiovascular diseases and live healthily? (please mark only one applicable answer)

18. Do you think the cardiovascular disease prevention program is an effective measure to reduce mortality from cardiovascular diseases? (please mark only one applicable answer)

19. Where should one turn to take advantage of the tools of this program? (you may mark several applicable answers)

20. Do you think you receive enough information about the cardiovascular prevention program at the healthcare facility? (please mark only one applicable answer)

21. Would you like more information about the cardiovascular disease prevention program at the healthcare facility? (please mark only one applicable answer)

22. How would you like information about cardiovascular disease prevention to reach you? (you may mark several applicable answers)

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