Religiosity and Purchase Behavior

A survey to find relation between this two

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I often read articles of my religion in books, magazines or newspapers ✪

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I give charity to mosques or madrasas

I spend time to grow my understanding in religious faith

Religion is important to me as it provides answers to my course of life

My life is guided by religion

I enjoy spending time with others of my religion

Religion influences my action

It is important to me to spend time in private religious thought

I enjoy to working activities of my religion

I'm well informed of my local religious group and have influence in decisions of activities

For High Involvement Product: Computer : I always try to purchase the latest version

I’m responsive to price differences of the same product

Advice from family, friends or colleagues influences my purchase

I prefer products according to my own style

The more product variants, the harder to choose

I give my utmost effort to find and buy the very best quality product

Most advertised products are the good ones to buy

I prefer to buy the most popular brands

I do not give much thought of the full benefit of my purchase

For Low Involvement Product: Snacks: I always try to purchase the new type of snacks

I’m responsive to price differences of the same product class

Advice from family, friends or colleagues influences my purchase

I prefer the snacks according to my own taste

The more product variants, the harder to choose

I give my utmost effort to find and buy the very best quality product

Most advertised products are the good ones

I prefer the most popular brands

I do not give much thought of purchasing snack items