Directions:  The statements below are designed to find out more about your work in class. Please answer all the statements

Rating scale from 1-5

1= totally disagree

3= neither agree nor disagree

5 = fully agree


NOTE Please remember that completing this form is voluntary

የአንቀት ውጤቶች ለአንቀት ወገን ብቻ ይገኛሉ

Your group number

How many modules have you completed to date? ✪

Your work with Gabrielė ✪

1= totally disagree
2= slightly disagree
3= neither agree nor disagree
4= agree
5 = fully agree
1. Gabrielė appears well prepared for lessons.
2. Gabrielė is professional in her manner of addressing the class.
3. Gabrielė appears as a competent instructor.
4. Gabrielė asks questions and looks at my work to see if I understand what has been taught.
5. Gabrielė creates an encouraging and inclusive atmosphere in the classroom.
6. The class work with Gabrielė is structured.
7. I feel respected by my teacher Gabrielė.
8. Gabrielė makes class work interesting.
9. The class work with Gabrielė is not stressful and hard.
10. I think we could work harder with Gabrielė

It would make my learning even greater if we had less/more of: / if Gabriele focused more/less on: ✪

Are there other important points Gabrielė should consider? Please, give her more detailed feedback and/or comment