The impact of exercise on mental health among people from various age groups between 2020 and 2023

We are a group of third-year students of New Media Language at the Kaunas University of Technology. We are conducting a research study in which we analyse whether exercising between 2020 and 2023 had an impact on the mental health of people from various age groups.

Participation in this electronic survey, which consists of 13 questions is voluntary. It should take about 2 minutes.

Every response in this survey is recorded anonymously and does not collect any personal information.

Please us know if there are any questions by contacting me, Agnė Andriulaitytė at [email protected]

Thank you for your kind act.

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What is your gender?

Please select your age group

Employment Status:

Between scale 1-10, how much do you like exercising?

Between scale 1-10, how much better(mentally) do you feel after exercising?

How many days a week do you spend exercising?

When do you find most appropriate time to exercise?

What types of physical activities do you regularly participate in?

Regular exercise has a positive impact on my mental health?(1- Strongly Disagree; 2- Disagree; 3- Neutral; 4- Agree; 5- Strongly Agree)

I have noticed a decrease in stress and anxiety when I regularly exercise(1- Strongly Disagree; 2- Disagree; 3- Neutral; 4- Agree; 5- Strongly Agree)

Exercise helps me sleep better(1- Strongly Disagree; 2- Disagree; 3- Neutral; 4- Agree; 5- Strongly Agree)

Have you changed your exercise habits between 2020 and 2023?

Do you have any diagnosed mental health conditions (e.g., anxiety disorder, depression)?