Tourism in Lithuania

የአንቀት ውጤቶች የህዝብ ለውጥ ናቸው

What do you think of the tourism in Lithuania? ✪

Should Lithuania develop a plan to attract more tourists from Asian countries? ✪

How to increase the Asian tourists' footfall in Lithuania? ✪

Which is/are the main element/s in tourism development in Lithuania? ✪

Should the tourism development be given priority? ✪

Which tourists would you like to see more in Lithuania? ✪

Which of the Baltic states would you like tourists should visit more? ✪

Should Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia form a common tourism organisation? ✪

From which Asian countries would you like to have more tourists? ✪

How important are the following supporting activities from tourism point of view (0-unimportant, 5-very important)? ✪


How safe is Lithuania as a tourist destination? (0-not very safe, 5-very safe) ✪


Which type of tourism is most popular in Lithuania? ✪

From the above mentioned types of tourism, which one would you like to see more promoted and why? ✪

In your opinion, does the climate of Lithuania affects tourism? ✪

Explain briefly, whether tourism will have adverse effects or positive effects on Lithuania? ✪

Please mention the positive or negative effects.