ወንጌል: Jurumuziejus

Customer satisfaction survey for the Lithuanian Sea Museum Dolphinarium
Dear Respondent,A study is currently being conducted to determine the level of satisfaction of users of cultural institutions with the services provided by the institution.The results of this study will...
Customer Satisfaction Survey for the Dolphinarium of the Lithuanian Sea Museum
Dear Visitor, we want to improve the service of the Dolphinarium of the Lithuanian Sea Museum, so your opinion is very important to us. The survey is anonymous and will...
Survey on Consumer Satisfaction at the Lithuanian Maritime Museum Dolphinarium
Dear visitor, we want to provide you with better service quality at the Lithuanian Maritime Museum Dolphinarium, so your opinion is very important to us. Filling out this survey is...
The Dolphinarium of Lithuanian Sea Museum Customer Satisfaction Questionnaire
Dear visitor, we want to give you better service at The Dolphinarium of Lithuanian Sea Museum, which is why your opinion is important to us. The questionnaire is anonymous and...