Your cafe choice

This survey has been created to discover tendencies and preferences that lie within the choice of a cafe. We would like to know what influences people to choose one restaurant instead of the other, what are the key factors of attracting, satisfying and retaining a customer (when answering these questions focus more on dessert selling cafes if it is possible).

Do you find these qualities important when choosing a café?

How much importance do you give to the following factors when purchasing, ordering or eating/drinking food?

What is your age group?

What is your gender?

How often do you visit these food serving places?

Do you prefer large, national chain cafes or small, privately owned coffee shops?

Do discounts have an impact on your café choice?

At what time of the day do you usually visit a café/ restaurant?

Which of these info sources has the most power over your café choices?

How important it is for you that café has one of the followings?

Which of these unusual flavors suits your taste the most?

Which of these promotional sales you find most effective?

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