The Sims Community Communication on Twitter

Tere, minu nimi on Greta ja ma teen uuringut The Sims kogukonna suhtlemise kohta twitteris ja kuidas The Sims saavutas oma populaarsuse. 

Eesmärk on uurida taktikaid, algoritme, suhtlemist loojate ja nende fännide vahel ning kuidas inimesed tunnevad end The Sims kogukonnas. 

See uuring on anonüümne ja mitte kohustuslik, kuid teie vastused aitaksid palju selle uuringu tulemuste saavutamisel. Te saate tulemusi näha, kui uuring on esitatud, kuid kogu isiklik teave hoitakse konfidentsiaalsena. 

Kui otsustate selle uuringu täita, oleks see väga hinnatud ja kui teil on küsimusi, võite minuga ühendust võtta: [email protected]

What is your age?

What is your gender?

Which country are you from?


    What social media platforms do you use?

    Do you play The Sims?

    Are you afraid to express your opinion on twitter, or other social media platforms in the Sims community?

    What is your opinion on The Sims Community on Twitter? (Do think it is wholesome? Or hateful? Can people express their opinion without being afraid of judgement?)


      What's the most common topic you have seen to be discussed on twitter related to The Sims community?


        Do you believe that the discussions on twitter (or other social media platform) have/ had and impact on gaining popularity for The Sims?

        Have you ever had glitches in your game? Have you ever shared about these glitches to others? Friend/ family circle? Social Media Platforms?


          Do you believe sharing glitches can be one of strategies to gain popularity for The Sims? (Copy Yes/No if don't have anything to add)


            Do you enjoy seeing funny posts/ jokes on social media platforms related to The Sims?

            Is there anything you would like to add/ comment regarding this topic?

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